Pregnant and Jealous

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I had just gotten pregnant so I didn't have a bump or any showing of it but Patrick knew and he was really excited to be a dad and I was really excited to be a mom but when I found out I wasn't able to act in this music video, being a slutty nurse, I was a little upset and Jealous 'cause the lady looked really pretty, wayyyy prettier than me, after the shooting I went to the bathroom to do my business but as I was walking out I could hear Patrick and the lady talking and this is all I heard while standing on the other side of the wall.

"Pat, listen to me! I know you loved it and I EXTREMELY loved it and well maybe we could do what we just did like for real and all the time I mean I-"

"Please just stop! My girlfriend is already upset that she couldn't get the part and I had no clue you were going to do what you did until you did it and it was NOT planned, im sorry I did not like what happen I regret it but I mean its life and I want to be good at acting like this and please never ever ever call me Pat ever again and I have a girlfriend that I love sooooooooo badly so if you excuse me I have to go find her!"

I couldn't let them know I had been listening so I quickly ran into the bathroom and fixed up my blouse, unbuttoned a couple at the top to look cute and I also tucked my blouse into my mini black work skirt, I had just finished work and I told Patrick I would be there to pick him up if he didn't feel upto driving. Carrying on looking cute, I then took out my hair bun so my hair dropped over my shoulders and I took off my glasses and put the sunglasses he had let me borrow, they had cheater print arms and brown around the lenses they looked really cute on both of us so thank fuck for that, I just fixed up my makeup and then I heard Patrick and that chick again.

"Patrick please! I love you! I want to be with you and your girlfriend is always at work and I bet you deserve better than her!"

I heard her yell.

"I love Ashley with all my heart and just please stop im not going to leave my best friend and girlfriend for a lady I just met just because that happened its called acting now please let me go!"

He got free from her reach and he was about to walk out the door before I stood in front of the door frame giving him sexy smirks, his eyes lightened up and he slowly looked down my body, he started to sweat but I loved it. I then looked over at the pretty girl looking down at her shoes.

"Hey hun! Sorry am I interrupting something?"

"Oh uh no, Ash, babe, this is (I dont know the lady's name so I will give her one XD) Sam, she was in the music video for Where did the party go! Uh Sam this is my girlfriend Ashley, Ashley this is Sam!"

"Uh it is sooo nice to meet you Sam, omg can I just tell you- you look STUNNING like I wish I had your bod, I used to before I got pregnant but im not comp-"

"Wait what? Y-your pregnant?"

She asked looking at me then Patrick with teary eyes.

"Yes she is, can you like keep this from Pete, Joe and Andy? Only the directors know she's pregnant and if they find out they will kick me out of my own band!"

Patrick said resting his head on my shoulder and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Uh yeah, sure thing. Sorry uh thank you so much Ashley, your very beautiful yourself and your a very lucky woman and congrats!"

"Thank you Sam!"

"Oh hey Smash!, Patrick?, Samantha? How's it going? That was really fun dont you think?"

Pete asked, him and the other guys had Smash as a nickname for me cause it rhymes with Ash? I dunno!"


I said a bit two quickly then Joe came into the room and said something.

"Why are we congratulating Ashley? What did you do? We have to go out for dinner! Tonight! You, Patrick, me, Marie, Pete and Andy! My treat!"

The guys were like big brothers to me well except Patrick or that would feel really weird, I really wanted to go out tonight but I didn't want to tell everyone because of Patrick. Then I asked if we could be alone, Samantha, Joe, Pete and Andy left the room and I pushed Patrick down onto the couch and straddled his legs.

"Baby, baby girl chill out! I missed you too- ahhhh yes right there oh my god!"

I was sucking hickeys on his neck so he would shut up, he then carefully brought me onto him and we made out on the sofa before Joe walked back in.

"Hey guys is everything alright?- Oh god sorry!"

He quickly walked back out of the room and slamming the door behind him, then me and Patrick both laughed and quickly got up and fixed our outfits then went back to finish and clean up.


Patrick was sitting by me at the restaurant and Samantha tagged along witch annoyed me but I just had to deal with it cause it was cast and crew, Marie couldn't make it since she had to look after her baby so it was just Patrick, me, Samantha, Joe, Pete, Andy and the other camera men ect.

"So.... Smash, what are we congratulating you on again?"

Pete asked, I looked to Patrick and he then took his fedora off and fixed his hair.

"Uhh, my promotion, yeah my promotion I am now manager in my work!"

Everyone cheered, that was true I had just got promoted to manager but I didn't want the guys to know until Patrick wanted them to.

"Is that all? Nothing like bigger than that? I mean congrats that is amazing but like you two have been dating for two years now."

Joe looked to Patrick nodding and I patted his shoulder and told him I was going to the bathroom.

"Hey, I will be right back."

"Do you need me to come with you babe?"

"No no, i'll be fine!"

I smiled at him then walked out into the restroom while the rest talked.

"So... promotion? That is really great huh?"

"Yeah oh my lord she is amazing and when she gets home from work she is always in a bad mood but she puts on a mood just for me and it just warms my heart. She deserves everything!"

"Uh, Patrick can we talk to you in the men's room please? Sorry Sam its work!"

They all went into the men's room and talked.



"When are you going to propose to her man? Two years? I proposed to to Marie on christmas the first year we started dating and you two have been dating for like two almost three years now!"

Joe said, everyone else agreed and then Pete talked.

"Patrick, Samantha told me something to keep secret but its about you and Ashley so I dont think I could keep it secret for much longer plus if its true you two dont have to hide it."

"Ok? What is it?"

"I-is Ashley, you know?"

He made hand gestures around his stomach and Patrick knew what he was asking.

"Yes, she is pregnant!"

Everyone then patted his back and congratulated him then I came out of the bathroom and they all were congratulating me and I sat back down next to Patrick and then Samantha left.


"Yes baby?"

"Im sorry for being really jealous today, I just had finished a long day of work and when I saw her on you like that it kinda made me almost sick."

"Hey, its ok! Im sorry that I didn't do anything about it earlier."

We then kissed before Joe cleared his throat and then we went home and got a really good sleep.

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