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Declan and I were watching the new movie that Patrick was in and he loved it but then out of nowhere he asked me a really weird question.

"Mommy! How are babies made?"

"I- I uhh, why honey?"

Before he could answer he shot up when he heard his father walk in the door.

"Daddy's home mommy!, daddys home!"

Patrick held out his arms for the child to run into as he spun him around making him giggle. I just stood there with my arms crossed and my side against the door frame while I watched them bond, it almost made me tear up a little.

"Sugar! Your crying what's wrong?"

Patrick said as he kissed my temple.

"Oh uh, nothing I am just so glad your home."


"Yes, son?"

"Uhhh how are babies made?"

Declan asked his father and he then looked at me confused then chuckled.

"Why Declan babies are made when a mommy and daddy love each other oh so much and when they want to have a baby they uhhh!, They contact the gods and if they are very good to each other they will receive a baby just like we did because we love each other oh so so SO much dont we Sugar?"

I kinda cried I have to admit that I kinda cried when he "explained" how he was made and Declan looked so interested it was adorable.

"Daddy come with me I want to ask you something without mommy hearing!"

Declan said as he took Patricks hand and rushed him upstairs. Patrick then winked at me to say we would have a good night celebrating.

"Daddy? Can you be very good to mommy so maybe then mommy will be received with a baby in her tummy like with me? Please?"

I was standing outside when I heard Declan basically begging for a younger sibling. It made my heart swell and burst because whenever I see my man with my son all I want is just another little Stump running around.

"Well Dec all I can promise you is that I will be very very good to your mommy and we will definitely ask the gods for another little baby how about that?"

He just giggled and clapped his hands excitingly, jumping up and down on his bed. Patrick on the other hand had gotten a call from the band saying they needed him at the studio ASAP.

"Ash! I have to go out I will be back around 7 and then maybe we could get your mom to babysit Dec while we I dont know ask the gods for another one?"

He said as our foreheads met then I sadly nodded and watched him leave. Declan ran out trying to make him stay but he was to late, Patrick had already left. Little 5 year old sitting on the porch in tears, I went over and picked him up.

"Declan do you want to go to the park with nani and poppa today and then maybe when you get back daddy will be home and we might have a little surprise waiting for you when you get back. How does that sound?"

I asked him and then he stopped crying right there right then and got ready to go to my parents for the night.


Me and Patrick had a fantastic night that night, let's just say we "asked" the gods to make me pregnant again and then when Declan found out he was so happy!

Patrick Stump ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now