Shit happens on a Fall Out Boy tour bus.

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Mine and Patrick's relationship has been going VERY well and every time he goes on tour he would try his diddly darn best to either pay for me to fly up to see him OR he would fly down to me. This time I told my boss I won't be valuable because I was now the band's tour manager for the whole entire tour so I could not go home but I chose to do this so I must stick to my decision.

"Good morning beautiful!"

Patrick says sleepily as they all just woke up.

"Mornin Stump! Mornin Wentz! Mornin Trohman! And good morning Hurley!"

I say as they all walk inside the living room part of the bus. I was talking with Mark, the security manager, we were talking about the normal setlists and were everyone is spaced out and were Joe and Pete walk around. Mark let me do the honors on Patrick and Joe whilst he did Pete and Andy.

"Hey Ash? C-could I please speak with you in privet? Outside?"

Joe asked. Patrick then looked at him confused and then at me confused. I just raised an eyebrow at him and got up.

"Is everything alright Joseph?"

I asked with a giggle at the end.

"I'm sorry I have to do this. I know you and Patrick are dating and all but I can't keep my eyes off of you and I know this is going to be terrible but please just let me kiss you once?"

My eyes then widen at his question and I simply cannot look at him in the eyes so I walk back inside, past everyone and outside the bus stop.

"Joe? What the hell is going on? What did you say to my girlfriend?"

Patrick yelled. Joe looked really embarrassed and disappointed. Before Joe could say a word I came back inside with an idea to show Joe im HIS and HIS only. I walked over to Patrick and starting giving him little love bites on his neck. I did not care we weren't alone but it looked like he did.

"Baby baby, stop. We can do this after the concert and plus we aren't alone!"

Patrick said with a light chuckle and smirk. Pete looked like he was about to die of laughter and Andy was just sitting on his phone. I then saw Joe's face and he looked very mad and his face was all red from embarrisment.

"Alright everyone! Sound check in 10!"

I said with a raised voice, snapping out of my day dream and what just happened between Joe and I. Everyone then got up except for Joe, it was only Joe and I in the room whilst Mark and the other guys were in the sound check room. I then smiled at Joe saying sorry but he then grabbed my arm and pulled me back and pulled me into a kiss. I quickly pushed him back and ran down the corridor to start packing my stuff. I could not stay here if Joe is keeping this behaviour up. I started crying and panicking before i felt a pair of hands around my waist.

"Baby? What are you doing?"

"Patrick. I have to go."

I said with tears in my eyes.

"What? Why?"

He asked sounding upset.

"Well, Patrick! If your friend keeps on trying to kiss me and making me feel very uncomfortable then why should I stay?!"

I yelled not knowing the others could hear me.

"What? Who?"

He raised his voice a little then the three of them come rushing in to see what's the big deal. I just look at Patrick with tears in my eyes then at Joe who looked at me with a smirk, I felt like gagging. I had to get out of here! Patrick then saw what was going on and shifted his eyes to Joe while I grab my bag and go to the front of the of the bus ready to leave.


Patrick yelled like he was going to kill him.

"What? Just because I kissed your girlfriend? Oh my god Patrick! You dont get it do you? She will just find out one way or another! Why dont you just tell her before I have a full on make out session with her?"

I heard that! What were they talking about?

"What? Ok no Joe that is not happening because I have Patrick to do that with and I love him so much! And what will I find out one way or another?"

I yelled. Patrick looking at Joe confused and mad at the same time and me just standing there with tears in my eyes.

"Ashley! You should know by now that I have loved you longer than Patrick and what you should know is that Patrick is starting to lose feelings for you and then if you two break up then you'd need someone to talk to and make out with."

Joe said.

"Y-You d-d-dont love me a-a-anymore? Then what am I too you know?"

Patrick didn't say anything but still looked confused and started to tear up.

"I really thought we were going to be with each other for ever but I guess that was just a dream that would never come true. And with that Im going. I don't want to talk you or you Joe. I don't care if Andy and Pete want to chat and Mark but you should never play with a woman's feelings like that!"

And with that I leave knowing maybe I took it too far and should have gotten an explanation but I never want to see his face again.



I said into the phone. Someone was calling me.

"Ash. It's Patrick. Listen I'm so sorry about what happened on the bus. Joe was completely out of it and drunk because of what his ex girlfriend did it to him. He apoligiesed to me about everything and I was so confused of what he said. But I'm so sorry. It's bit true. I love you so much. Please. Please I'm so sorry. Please can I come around and apologies to you properly?"


Is all I could say. Patrick then came over and we talked about what was going on and what was going to happen with our relationship. We were going to be boyfriend and girlfriend once again. It started to rain heavily so I let him stay the night.

"I love you, Stumph!"

"I love you more Howell!!!"

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