Pein gives the akatsuki members nicknames

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Pein: "alright everyone, now that we're all here I've decided I'll give everyone nicknames, cause there's too many of you guys ".

Pein: *looks at deidara * " let's start off with the blond one. Not going to lie I straight up thought you were a girl, you have a doll like face so imma call you dollface ".

Deidara: " why does everyone think I'm a girl!"

Pein: " yeah yeah dollface next is the one with the pretty eyes, you have some nice ass eyes so your name is pretty eye boy ".

Itachi: * looks like he doesn't give a fuck *

Pein: " next is the one with red hair your new name is Pinocchio ".

Sasori: " I have a name ".

Pein: " yeah don't care next is the shark your new name is shark boi ".

Kisame: " didn't put much thought in mine ", * has a dark aura around him *.

Pein: " yeah don't care next is the snake one your new name is snake eyes ".

Orochimaru: " oh uh........ok".

Pein: " oh yeah I'll call you he-she sometimes ".

Orochimaru: " god damn it "

Pein: " next is the one with the mask your name will be Mr.crabs cause your a greedy bitch ".

Kakuzu: " what I'm not a crab ".

Pein: " you are now anyway next is the fly trap guy, your name will be two face ".

Zetsu: " the hell what is this Batman ".

Pein: " next is the loud one I'll either call you fucker or fuckboy ".

Hidan: " the fuck you really think I'm going to let you call me that ".

Pein: " you are if you want to stay alive ".

Hidan: * shuts up *

Pein: " alright last but not least the girl your new name is babydoll ".

Konan: " we've known each other since kids how do you not know my name ".

Pein: " that doesn't matter right now ".

Deidara: " why are you giving us these names, these aren't even our names ".

Pein: " everyone calls me pein ".

Deidara: " then what's your real name ".

Pein: " that's none of your concern, alright well good day ", * pein walks away *.

Everyone: * looks confused *


Pein: alright then since everyone already have nicknames I'm gonna have to give you one, your name will be mask man ".

Tobi: " what! But tobi-chan already has a name ".

Pein: " yeah don't care anyway let's go babydoll ", * starts to walk away *

Konan: * follows him *

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