a dollar saves a child

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* kakashi, gai, asuma, and Kurenai where all just relaxing at a nice tea shop, then hidan walks up to them wearing a fake mustach *
Hidan: " excuse sir but 144 yen saves a child "
* They all look confused but kakashi puts his book down, he Shrugs *
Kakashi: " alright "
* He hands hidan 144 yen, a carriage then comes, hidan opens it and all of there students are in there *
All them: " OH MY GOD!! "
* kakuzu kicks Naruto out and hidan gets in the carriage, he tells the horses to go, and there gone. All of them are too shocked to do anything about it *

Please with your help a dollar can help a child, like how kakashi did he saved Naruto. Sponsored by akatsuki inc.

Please don't call the cops for we did not kidnap them, they came with us willing.

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