secret Santa pt 3

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Today was the morning of Christmas, let's see how it goes for the deadly criminals to exchange gifts

Pein: " in the living room everyone!!, And bring your gifts!! "

* Everyone walks into the living room, everyone having there gifts for one another. Some nervous others not *

Pein: " okay it's Christmas, let's see what everyone got one another. Hidan Your first "

Hidan: " here bitch "

Konan: " you got me, I'm a bit scared "

Hidan: " just open the box bitch "

* She opens the box and gasp a bit, she pulls out the bear and hugs it *

Konan: " oh my God hidan, this is so nice "

* She looks and sees a card, she pulls it out and reads it. She Blushes a bit *

Konan: " this is nice hidan, but about the dick in the box "

* She pulls out a kunai knife and drops it in the box, chopping his dick off *

Hidan: " ahh!!! "

Konan: " i really appreciate it, thanks "

* She kisses his cheeks and he blushes a bit *

Pein: " okay, who wants to go next? "

Zetzu:  " I'll go, deidara "

Deidara: " you got me hn!!?, Aww man "

* Zetzu walks up to him and hands him a box, he was scared and looked inside his eyes widen a bit. And pulls out some clay *

Deidara: " you got me clay un?, Thanks yeah "

* Zetzu grabs his left arm and licks it, he shivers and cries a bit *

Pein: " next! "

Kakuzu: " i'll go, obito hold out your hands "

Obito: " okay "

* Obito holds his hands, and kakuzu gives him some candy *

Obito: " wait is this the candy, I had in my room "

Kakuzu: " i wasn't going to waste money on you "

Obito: " jeez thanks "

* Obito said in a sarcastic voice *

Kakuzu: " I also got you this "

* He gives him a book with a orange cover, he turns it over and saw it was ich ich paradise *

Kakuzu: " some guy with silver hair dropped it, and I took it "

~ meanwhile somewhere else ~

Kakashi: " where the fuck is my ich ich paradise?! "

* Kakashi said, as he basically destroys his apartment *

~ back with the akatsuki ~

Obito: " damn bakashi "

Pein: " lovely, who's next? "

Deidara: " me hn, I want to get my over with yeah "

* He walks over to itachi and hands him a little container, itachi takes it. He opens it and saw they were four sticks of dangos in there *

Deidara: " I didn't know what to get you un, so I got these not too long ago yeah "

Itachi: " I like dangos, thank you deidara "

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