time out pt 2

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Pein: no get back here your in time out!
Konan: fuck your time out!, Deidara get out of the pantry, itachi get off from there, kisame get out of the dryer, hidan get off the fridge actually stay up there
Pein: " if you guys move your punishment is going to get worse "
Itachi: " guy's I'm serious I'm stuck I can't move "
Konan: " that's ridiculous pein they're not little kids "
* While konan and pein were arguing, where itachi was standing couldn't stand the pressure that was there, it all collapsed, itachi fell and everything broke *
Konan: " itachi! "
Pein: " oh You still have the audacity to break stuff, your going to be paying kakuzu for that "
* Kakuzu walks in and see's what happened *
Kakuzu: " ugh what the hell happened "
Kisame: " hey what happened is itachi ok "
Itachi: " I think I broke my back or something "
Hidan: " damn Uchiha "
Konan: " pein this isn't a joke we need to get him to a hospital he could of broken something "
Pein: " well he's the great itachi Uchiha he'll be fine "
Sasori: " what are you idiots- what happened to itachi "
Pein: " what happened, what happened is itachi had the audacity to break the sink and counter even though I put him in timeout "
Itachi: " ugh guys besides the water that is currently slashing in my face, there's a warm liquid that's dripping down my leg, what is that "
* Everyone turn around and see that the head of the sink is somewhere where it shouldn't be *
Konan: " oh it's nothing itachi "
Tobi/Obito: " senpai to- itachi senpai why is there blood dripping down your leg "
Itachi: " what! "
Konan: " it's nothing itachi everything fine it's only a little blood "
Deidara: " oh my god!, Uchiha there's so much blood un! "
Itachi: " ahhhhhhh! "
Konan: " no there's not itachi "
Deidara: " oh my God it's everywhere there's so much blood hn! "
Itachi: " ahhhhhhh! "
Konan: " deidara stop it! "
Kisame: " what's going on is itachi ok "
Konan: " damn it pein this is all your fault "
Pein: " actually this is your fault "
Konan: " my fault how "
Pein: " well if you would of told him to get off this wouldn't of happened "
Konan: " I did tell him to get off but you told him not to get off "
Pein: " well you should of came before i told him to go up there "
Konan: " oh my God your unbelievable "
Pein: " well maybe I wouldn't be like this if you would of just had sex with me "
Konan: " i wasn't in the mood pein "
Kakuzu: " not to interrupt your little conversation but itachi currently has the head of the sink up his ass, and is injured so what are we going to do "
Pein: " no he decided to go up there he's going to get himself out of his own problem "
Konan: " the only reason he got up there was because of you "
Itachi: " could you all shut up for a minute!, I currently have the head of the sink up my ass and possibly have back damage, and if someone doesn't get me to a hospital or get me medicine attention, in the next minute I'm going to shove my foot so far up your asses, you're going to be wondering how the fuck it even got up there "
Konan: " Kisame get out of the dryer "
* Pein is about to say something *
Konan: " I swear to God pein if you say anything I'm going to slap all the damn piercings out of your face "
* He shuts up, Kisame get's out of the dryer and picks itachi up, kakuzu looks at him *
Kakuzu: " yeah i can't heal him he needs a hospital "
Konan: " alright me, pein, itachi, and Kisame Will take him "
* Holds out hand to kakuzu *
Kakuzu: " why are you holding out your hand "
Konan: " hospitals aren't cheap I need money "
Kakuzu: " what i'm not going to give you money for that "
Konan: " oh so you want him to stay here and want to heal him up here, where it could cost you more and make it more to pay and add that on top of the sink and counter expensives "
* Kakuzu groans and gives her money *
Konan: " good now I'm going to leave you in charge kakuzu Take care of the place "
* Konan, itachi, pein, and Kisame leave *
Deidara: " can I get out now un "
Kakuzu: " no "

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