1 year special

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* the whole akatsuki gets yeeted into a room *
Hidan: " what the fuck?! '
Pein: " where are w-? "
* Everyone looks and see grace and Meteora on a couch *
Grace: " hello "
Meteora: " Konan marry me "
Konan: " no "
Itachi: " why are you here? "
Grace: " because the one year special of this book is coming around. Last year on November 15th, I released the first chapter of this book "
Deidara: " the one where pein said the rules hn "
Meteora: " exactly Blondie "
Grace: " anyways, in honor of that were doing this special chapter. Where you the akatsuki could ask me anything concerning this book, and make suggestions "
Pein: " yeah, please stop "
Meteora: " no bitch "
Kisame: " yeah, why does hidan have his own segment? "
Obito: " yeah, what's up with that "
Grace: " well because hidan's a dumbass, besides were trying to come up with segments for all of you. So far only pein and konan have one "
Konan: " Really? "
Meteora: " yeah, it's going to be you take pranking too far. It's going to be called don't fuck with konan, It'll be four parts maybe. Konan marry me "
Konan: " no "
Grace: " anyways pein's going to be called the fuck pein. And it's going to be like pein from the first three chapters, because people seem to like pein like that. We're still not sure how many parts it's going to have "
Pein: " I see, BOW TO YOUR GOD! "
Hidan: " JASHIN'S GOD! "
Grace: " off topic, anyways any questions? "
Kisame: " yeah about the wify story, isn't that a segment? "
Grace: " no that's a side story, segments are always going to involve a curse word. We're still trying to make a segment for everyone, side stories most of you guys have one "
Kisame: " yeah, can you say what's wifey about? "
Meteora: " wifey about wifey "
Kisame: " but that dosen't answer my question "
Grace: " anyways "
Konan: " do i have a side story? "
Meteora: " yeah it's called mommy?, And let's just say it's involves a little problem "
Konan: " is that all you're going to say "
Meteora: " yeah, marry me konan "
Konan: " no " 
Deidara: " do i have one yeah? "
Grace: " yeah, yours is called side piece. And let's say the title explains itself "
Deidara: " huh un?! "
Meteora: " so zetzu's story is pretty interesting, the one who got away, let's just say he think she a sexy snacc "
Zetzu: " hmm I see " " can we go already "
Kakuzu: " please tell me I don't have one "
Meteora: " you do bitch, it's called wrestler. And once again the title explains itself "
Hidan: " what about me bitch!? "
Grace: " Robert going to be the longest one for sure, and have lots of twist and turns. And have you on the edge of your seat, and you might I don't know might jump off "
Meteora: " Orochimaru also has one "
Sasori: " but he was in like what three chapters "
Grace: " yeah, I'll be called stripper "
Obito: " is it about him being a stripper? "
Meteora: " pretty much "
Grace: " and pein had one called peace man, and well actually I have no puns for this one. Just wait until it's publish "
Deidara: " i have a question hn, why were most of the first chapters about me and " Tobi " yeah "
Grace: " at the time I was researching to understand the other akatsuki members better, well except itachi "
Meteora: " the bitch was also a big tobidei shipper "
Grace: " the fuck up Meteora!, Besides shiita my otp now "
Kisame: " shiita? "
Meteora: " shisui X itachi "
Itachi: " Should I be concern? "
Meteora: " probably "
Grace: " yes and if you enjoy shiita, check out my book of shiita's one shots, it's mostly lemons. I also have a story called give me a sign, it will be a very long but good story "
Sasori: " what is she doing? "
Meteora: " sponsoring her own books "
Kisame: " why? "
Meteora: " She's fucken weird "
Grace: " if you love the akatsuki please check out my ask or dare akatsuki book, it's fucken funny. Or akatsuki hook-ups or akatsuki diaries. Or for something family friendly check out my akatsuki parents X Reader daughter senarios. I also got akatsuki boyfriend senarios with konan included and akatsuki one shots "
Meteora: " yeah, the bitch has too many books "
Grace: " shut up, anyways anymore questions "
Pein: " please stop "
Grace: " no, and that's where we'll end it. I have decided to stop all request for my Q and A. Mostly because they weren't any questions coming in, but who cares, I know you guys are busy. Me and Meteora Will answer the questions we got, and put some of our own in it "
Meteora: " yeah, well goodbye get out of here "
Grace: " bye!, See you in the Q and A chapter, bye! "

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