I'm not gay

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Deidara: " i'm not gay cause that ain't me, I'm just conferable with my sexuality ".

Deidere: * See's Tobi * " so I can admit when I see a guy, with a handsome face and big pretty eyes and a rock hard chest, and rippling ass in those sculpted calfs "

Tobi: * starts to get uncomfortable *

Deidara: " with those bolted clods in those perfect bods, I'm just like omg take those pants off "

Tobi: * looks at him with a wtf face under his mask *

Deidara: " fuck it I'm so gay, I'm fucking gay, I'm the dude wearing nail polish yelling hey "

Deidara: * walks up behind Tobi * " I'm that dude at the who would grab your butt "

Deidara: * grabs Tobi butt *

Tobi: * turns around shocked and looks at Deidara surprised under his mask *

Deidara: " and you turn around and look at me I'll be what ".

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