life alert

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* kakuzu was on the couch watching TV until he got up *
Kakuzu: " i'm going to take a shower, no one touch my money "
Hidan: " don't forget your life alert "
Kakuzu: " what? "
Hidan: " you know just in case you fall, "help I've fallen and I can't get up" "
* Kakuzu was about to go choke him, before pein held him back *
Pein: " don't remember he's immortal, just calm down "
Hidan: " yeah you shouldn't get your blood pressure so high, that's bad for someone like you "
* Kakuzu hands then unattached from his body with his tentacles, and start to choke hidan *
kakuzu: " how important is he actually to us "
Pein: " um well....... he's immortal "
Hidan: " ha! Jokes on you, you just turned me on "
* Kakuzu puts him down and his hands come back to his body *
Kakuzu: " whatever I'm going to go take a shower "
* He starts to walk away *
Hidan: * whispers * " help I've fallen and I can't get up "
* Kakuzu was about to go choke him but everyone holds him back *
Deidara: " don't he's not worth it un "
* Kakuzu Then gets away from everyone and starts to walk away *
Hidan: " remember old fucker press the button in the middle if you fall "
* Kakuzu turns around and grabs his synth and chops his head off. He makes a "tsk" sound and walks away *

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