Chapter 6: The blessing of the gods

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I am known by a lot of names. Some are like my one true name, and others just describe a part of me. Some hold the idea that I do not exist, and others spill blood on the idea that I do. But that, is not their fault.


There was a time when I was immature and forceful. I didn't know what to do with the beings I had just created. So, I did things in way that put them on the path I wished to avoid. I acted based on my emotions so many times. I abused my power, thinking that I could make things right if I just erased those who were problematic in an exemplary manner. Floods, plagues, flames and even the looming threat of an ever burning, but non-existing, hell.

All those things just fed a toxic influence on the beings I created. And then, instead of correcting it, I encouraged it by trying to make them obey my will through a book. I tried to let my will be known through the prophets who wrote it, but it backfired horribly...

That book it is still being used today, even if its contents were for a different time, and it is one of the weapons that were used in many of those bloody acts. I admit it, I am disappointed in myself. I created beings and gave them freedom, but then I tried to chain them. It is obvious they would stray...

And the damage that something even other gods see with sadness. Many of us share the same ideas for the beings we end up creating. It is more efficient, but it is not as if it is an obligation. Take the world of the Goddes Nerinne, Arte, it is populated by various humanoid species capable of rational and emotional thought. For the most part, they coexist with one another taking care of the world they live in. My world, Earth, is different. It used to be populated by various races, just like in Arte. But one of those, Humanity, raised against them. Guided by the greed and vicious way of thinking my hubris created, they exterminated every other race.

The Crusades, they called them. Wars waged on one of my many names using my words as justification for their acts. I tried to intervene, but my acts were misinterpreted, and my words misheard, twisted to fit their narrative. And so, the world that once had known various races turned into a world that was dominated by just one. The balance was thrown out and left me with no other choice but to watch from afar. By that time, I realized it was too late to guide them to a different path.

But there was still some hope left. As it is bound to happen with freedom, different voices started to come up from inside of humanity. Some got free from that way of thinking and found the truth in my words. Change. A force that even I, Yawue, can't stop. In these recent years, I have seen so much progress that my hope for a different path has been reignited. And maybe, after some more centuries, I will be able to tell the remnants of those who were exterminated that it is safe to go back to the surface. That they would be accepted, and even loved so dearly that it could erase those horrible memories.

And why I, a God who seemed to have given up on his creations, would think like that?

Because of the existence of a certain group of people.


Those who are also known as nerds, otakus and so on.

They hold the key to the coexistence with different beings.

Because, if just one of them can coexist with a Goddess to the point that it clearly influences her, then I can believe in that future.



God seems to have been inside the room for at least fifteen minutes and without us noticing him. You can imagine our surprise when the Goddess Nerinne tried to summon him and then finding out he was already there.

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