Chapter 20: Goddess what the hell did you tell her to do?!

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"Aaaah, man, that was tiring..."

I mean, it's not like I'm physically exhausted, but mentally speaking, that whole 'interrogation' thing depleted my social batteries more than my encounter with Erevain and the others. She was seriously stubborn...and after all of that, she tries to tell me the real identity of my right-hand woman.

If she was trying to get points that way, then sumanai, I've had a feeling since I first talked with Erevain. You can fake your accent, but it doesn't matter if you keep that rich and educated vocabulary. Also, OP instinct coupled with an almost obsessive knowledge of isekais sure helps.

And then, when I asked for her name she just got up and said that it didn't matter, that she belonged to me now, so I needed to give her a name.

You are a maid, not a pet...

Also, after that her clothes started glowing and changed into a maid outfit. She looked at me confused, but then I told her that it was the Goddess who gave her that outfit and not to complain because it was either that or something worse.

She turned pale.

I guess she thought she would be vaporized, but it was just some magical girl cosplay that she may or may not force me to wear down the line...

Please be the second one...

"Hmph...yep...can't take it anymore."

You know that feeling when you come home from work and you can't wait to take off your suit or uniform and just be free?

I'm feeling that now.

"First the breastplate to let them breathe..."

It's not that I get hot while using it, but I do feel the need to just be in my bodysuit after being a whole day inside the armor.

"Heh, I still get surprised while seeing them."

I say so when I look down at my lightly jiggling chest.

After that, I take off the rest of my armor, leaving it on the floor right beside the bed.

"Should I let my hair loose too?"

Yeah, why not? I already have enough practice with the limited-edition wig of my waifu, so there is no problem if I need to do my hair again.

Pro tip: If you are going to buy a limited-edition wig of your waifu, you better practice doing that specific hairstyle, because wigs need special washing to stay at top quality. Them getting moldy and dry just shows the lack of love you have for your waifu, filthy faker! If you have a little sister, you can use them as practice dummies, just give them something they like as payment.

Like the fee to her entrance exam for college plus plane tickets. Heh, too easy.

Having said that, I let my hair loose and it feels liberating.

Huh, so this is how it feels like... this new life has been nothing if not educational.

I look at the muddy mirror that this room has and see myself.

"First day clear!"

A new body, race, gender and appearance.

A new world.

Even my seiyuu changed.

I'm sorry former seiyuu-san! I bet there is going to be some flashbacks to my past so don't be sad! But I hope that you  also find a new project quickly!

After I smile at my reflection and the sound of my voice I start stretching for a bit.

I can already feel some jiggle here and there, fan service shots check!

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now