Chapter 31: Having a Goddess girlfriend and a volcano daughter sure helps.

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The meeting hall stayed silent for a moment after what Erevain just said.

"Hoh~~~, a bloody garden of violet flowers, you say? Then dealing with her will be quite an easy task."

I say so full of confidence while some of the maids look at me astonished.

Kris is laughing though.

Ah, Gabrielle is pretty much back to normal from the tense state she was in.

Also, I know that it sounds like I didn't learn a thing from what happened in the forest, but what I mean is that I will not let her do something like that. If I can, I will break all her magic, if not, I will take her somewhere else. Lock ourselves in a separate space...

"I just have to stop her before she tries to use that trump card of hers with some of mine..."

My mouth curls into a hyped-up smile and...huh, so this is how it feels to be looking forward to a fight.

" believe that I have a lot of them."

After all, there are many things that I want to try out with magic and my knowledge...heh.

Now, time to wipe away those still tense faces from some of them.

"All of you are one of those. And I believe I told you to acknowledge your value. Have you not been training as I said you should?"

The tension disappears from their faces slowly as they take in my words.

"Are you blind to your new strengths?"

Some start shaking their heads, answering me with a 'no'.

"Was I wrong in counting on you?"

With that little push their faces fired up.

"""Of course not, Master!"""

And they strongly let that out in response.

"Then do not dare show such tense faces again unless there is an actual reason to do so. But I shall be clear, I am not underestimating our enemy. I am simply not giving them the satisfaction of being feared in excess."

I complement my words with a serious expression to drive the point home and it works.

The tension in their faces is gone.

Now we can move on.

"Erevain, go on."

"Yes, My Lord. Then, three teams are going to be the ones operating in the capital while the rest shall keep training and preparing for battle. As for the journey itself, we can arrive at the capital in five days via carriage."

As she finishes saying that, Erevain puts a map on the table and marks the route we would be taking.

With our speed we could arrive faster on foot though...

"Still, it is as you may be thinking, My Lord. Having personally experienced the speed we wield now; our arrival could certainly be a faster one if we were to travel on foot. But I advise against doing so, for that would be considered suspicious or at least worth noting, given our numbers, appearances, and the fact that we are strangers to them. As such, using a carriage, which is fairly common, is a better option."

Did—? Did Erevain just read my mind?!

No...nah, of course not, she is just that good of a right-hand woman.

Ah, instinct tells me that is correct.

That's a relief...

I have enough with just one mind reading woman in my life...

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now