Chapter 35: The day has come! To the capital!

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Ah...good morning everyone...did you sleep well? No? Too much backlogged anime or mango?

You lucky bastards...

In my case, as you can see, I'm just waking up, so I'm sorry if I sound a bit...sleepy still...

No fanservice though...I'm wearing a besto waifu shirt and black panties right now...

Hmm...well, that counts as fanservice I guess?

Also, I just noticed but there's some weight on my chest...

Haha no, I'm not talking about my breasts.



So cute...Ilya is using my chest as a pillow...

I can't possibly think of moving right now...

Nerinne is holding my arm too...I'm pretty much trapped unless I want to experience divine punishment...

But you know?

Waking up and being like this, it's not that bad.

One beautiful girlfriend to my side, one cute little daughter on top of me and me with besto waifu's appearance...well technically it's my appearance now, but you get the point.

Life is good.

Still, today is the day, right?

We're leaving for the capital of the Kyrie Kingdom, which is Erevain's home and where she will have to confront the sickness that is hurting her land.

So isekai.

It will take us 5 days to get there using the carriage.

Of course, I look forward to whatever is going to happen while we're on the road.

Maybe a merchant being attacked by maids? I-I mean, bandits.

Yes, bandits.

Hahaha, I guess I'm still more sleepy than up...

Or perhaps we'll encounter a Princess in need of help?

Maybe an envoy from another country?

The isekai possibilities are as limitless as there are isekai web novels online!

Although, I don't think we'll have every single type of encounter on our journey.

And I totally didn't raise a flag just now.

"Oh, but you did, my dear~~~."


G-Good morning, d-darling!

S-Since when did you wake up?

"My, you know, it is a bit difficult to stay asleep when you can hear the thoughts of someone who seems to be aware of what happens, but still shouts in her monologue. Fufufu~~~, guess who?"

D-da-darling...I-I think that it is too early in the morning to be making that kind of scary and me-menacing face...!

"Hmm?" wouldn't want to wake up our little girl, right?


I-I love you...?


I-It was me...sorry?

"Divine Chop!"

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