Volume 2: DDD (Dungeon-Dragon-Divine) Gift.

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Chapter 1: When a mortal sleeps a Goddess wishes to chat?

"Oi, kiddo, wake up."

That voice...

Those posters, figures, manga, comics, games...

My childhood room...?

"I said...WAKE UP!!"

And me...? On the bed...?



"Ouch! Ouch! My head! What gives, Nana?!"

"You stayed up all night watching those Chinese drawings again, right?!"

They are not Chinese—

"They are not Chinese! They are Japanese! How many times I need tell you that?!!"

"Hahahaha! I know, I just like seeing you get all riled up about it!"



Wait, I've seen this before...

"Are you going to stay on the floor all morning and growl like a dog? Change your clothes! Breakfast is ready!"

"But its Saturday..."


More like lived it.

"This is the day where I can turn into a shut-in without a problem! I already bought snacks and have a pile of manga and comics to go through! I am not leaving this room today and there is nothing you can do about it, Nana!"

Oh crap.

"Hoooh~~. Is that a challenge?"




I remember this quite clearly.

Specially that smile...

"That smile...don't tell me...!"

Her 'resistance is futile' smile...

"Look around your room all you want; you won't find them here. Hehe."

How many fully planned weekends...

How many planned 'sick' days...

How many planned seasonal breaks...

"No way...! Even my secret stash...!!"

"Pfft, that was the easiest to find kiddo."

...ruined by her.

"Uuu...my manga...my comics...my snacks...my dreams of being a shut-in...all gone..."

I feel you, me of the past!

"Oh please, it's your own fault for having such a heavy sleep and not realizing when your treasures are being stolen right under your nose. Kuhaahahaha!"

"You are evil, Nana..."

I was probably dreaming of having a happy date with my waifu at the time! How would I not sleep soundly with that?!

"And you are a sore loser, kiddo! Now, do as I say and maybe I'll tell you how you can get it all back before supper."

And then that other smile of hers, that caring, grandmotherly smile...


Truly futile...

My childhood is filled with warm memories like this one...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27, 2021 ⏰

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