Chapter 64: Who says that a Father's love is lesser?

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Top notch narration.

And in Reuniting(?) Families: Kyrie Capital edition!!

I am Auros Argento, your well-endowed host and number one fanservice giver.

We are here.

We are live.

All from the King's Glare pub! Team two plus Jules has just entered the pub!

And Sophie, our lovable and easy to bully newbie maid, is nowhere to be found!

But with the marvelous power of this host's OP SENSES we can easily locate her!

So...let's see...mhm...there!

She seems to be at the suite and is drawing what looks to be a map!

She is probably supporting her Senpais, which are still exploring the tunnels in the Capital's underground!

Everyone! Let's give her a round of applause!!

Hm? She seems to have noticed? Strange.

Let's move on then!

As you have heard in our interview with the owner of this fine establishment, he is Jules father.

You could see the love for his boy not only in his eyes, but also in the bravery he shows by still displaying mementos of his boy all over the pub.

And furthermore, he still speaks proudly of him, not caring if his boy was marked a traitor.

It is clear that he does not believe all of the foolish King's fake statements.

Now, dear viewers. What do you think it is going to happen now?

Will she simply ignore her father? After all, she knows that she would not be recognized because of her current appearance.

Will she act nonchalant and go straight to the point? As in, will she reveal everything without a second thought?


"Old man. I'm hungry. One Forest and Farm special, please."


All while raising her hand as if to say hello.

"Fufufu~~~ she never ceases to amuse me."

Indeed, Nerinne.

If this was an anime, dear viewers, I would've fallen from my seat in an exaggerated manner.



Jules' dad seems to be as speechless as I am, dear viewers.

What kind of way of saying hello to one's father is that?

"One of yours, young Miss?"

He says while raising an eyebrow and glancing at your Gothic Lolita of a host.

"Indeed. All of them, actually."

"Oh. Heh."

He raises both eyebrows this time and chuckles while shaking his head.

"I am sorry, Miss. Maid. But that special is only available when we have doorim meat and we don't right now."

Hearing that, Jules gaze sharpens before she starts walking towards us.

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