Chapter 23: An eventful morning.

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The first rays of sunlight came down through a balcony door that also served as a large window. Its frame was exquisitely crafted with the objective to let as much sunlight in. It was the main source of illumination to this room that served as a private office for the young man who was at his desk doing paperwork.

But it was not just that balcony door that was exquisitely crafted, not at all. The desk the young man was working on was made of elven wood, a material said to be a luxury among luxuries for its rarity. For it rarely left its place of origin through legal means and illegal attempts were met with death.

Still, the desk was neither something bought nor stolen, it was a gift from an elven dignitary as part of a set of three. Only the second of the set was still being used inside the castle, the third one left with its owner to a distant college while the first one was left to gather dust locked up in a never to be mentioned or opened storage room.

Bookshelves filled with expensive looking tomes, a closet filled with the finest suits, various maps of high quality hung on different walls, chairs that paired well with the desk and theme of the place and of course a sofa with a tea table in front of it.

All were exquisite.

If one were to describe the position of the one who owned the place, then two things would come to mind. First, a well-connected and prodigy merchant, given the young appearance of the man working in there or a prince of some country. If your conclusion was the latter, then congratulations are in order, for you are correct.

The young man with fine features was Licht vi Kyrie, the crown prince of the Kyrie Kingdom. He was loved by the people, always thought as a hardworking young man who was both smart and sensible by politicians and citizens alike. He was checking reports of almost everything on the kingdom, from market prices for meat in the capital, to the state of the different cities and villages within the kingdom. Just as he always does first thing in the morning.

You could say he was the perfect image of a responsible prince, but even he had his faults. At least one if you were to ask his personal maid who is always beside him. That is his hair. It was of an almost immaculate white, almost being the keyword here, the bangs that covered his left eye had a light pink color instead. The maid always tried to style the prince's hair in a way that those bothersome bangs would not cover her master's face, but they always returned to their place no matter what she did. Her master would then just laugh it off and tell her to try again the next day.

In any case, as the prince finished with one of the reports in his hand, his eyes wandered to an iron pin with an emblem that was lying on a corner of his desk. The emblem had a shield acting as a sword's sheath while the sun shone on the back of it. It was the emblem of an order of knights that had never existed in the kingdom...or at least that is how things were in the present.

Then, the door to his office suddenly opened when his mouth was turning into a dubious smile while looking at the pin.

"PRINCE! WHAT MOCKERY IS THIS?! Why have you denied my request for aid for Illumbee Village?!"

The man who entered without announcing himself and shouted angrily at the prince was Baron Cuhalin, the noble who oversaw the land where Illumbee Village was and other small cities here and there within it. He was well aware of the village's woes and was actively looking for a solution, as well as looking for help in the meantime. But to his dismay, not only the king ignored his formal requests for almost 2 years, but he gave control over the matter to the crown prince which had been ignoring him too, until now.

"Not only that, but you ban my forces from investigating the issue anymore?! ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR—?!"

"I'd suggest you cease from your prattling unless you wish those words to be the last."

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