Chapter 70: I have a brain, therefore, I do this.

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After I finished my healing session with Lyra and she left to continue working, I went to tell everyone what happened in the supposed meal with Erevain's brother.

"...which is why I deeply apologize, Erevain, Erica. I chose not to bring Mary with me because it was too risky given the circumstances."

"My lord..."


Yes, I'm lowering my head. And yes, it was too risky since the staff had already heard her scream and if she disappeared it would have been way too suspicious. After all, everyone knew that I was the only other person there. I have no doubt that Licht would've used that to mess with us.

"Please raise your head, My Lord. It was the right choice...a public accusation of kidnapping would have not only affected us, but her Holiness too as the one who welcomed us into the Capital. Regardless of how useless it would have been, there is no need for it. Not with how close we are to dealing the decisive blow. As for..."

Erevain might seem calm...even reassuring...but I can see it in her eyes...she is hurt...not because of me...but because of...


She is hurt to the point that she is clenching her fists with enough strength to make them tremble while looking down at the table.

" pains me to think of them as enemies but...considering their actions now and in the past. I cannot keep believing in their innocence just for who they are. I need to look at them in the eye and question them about everything. And if they are guilty...then I...I..."

Yet more than hurt...more than the wounds that might be resurfacing in her heart, she is afraid of what she might need to do...

But...she won't be alone then, nor now.

"Then we will be with you, Leader. Doing what needs to be done."

Something that Gabrielle makes clear with her words and her hand on Erevain's shoulder.

"Indeed. You will not be alone, Erevain. But remember something, hope dies last."

Something that I too make clear with my words, all while grabbing her fist, opening it, and holding her hand.

"I...yes, My Lord...and thank you, Gabrielle."

Says Erevain looking up at us.

"We will find our answers, that we can truly move on..."

So says Erica...and yes, she took it badly too...

Just look at her expression, it has written 'Why...?' all over it.

"Licht played us then...and tried to poison Master now. He needs at least a corrective beating even if he is innocent. I'll hold back, I promise, Leader."

Says Bertia with a smile. Still, I don't know if saying that you are going to beat him up will help Erevain, but I can see that she is saying it for her sake.

"Haha...yes I...think so too."

Oh, Erevain chuckled at that! Good job, Bertia!!

"Um, I always found him a bit weird. Like he was thinking too much about something, just like Mika!"

Says Lucy with her usual cheery smile and spunky attitude that could either be out of place or soften the mood even further.

"You! This is a serious matter! Even if his eyes did give off that image of thinking on something far away in a creepy manner! You can't say that! And what is that about me being weird?! I am not weird!"

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