Chapter 72: The Gaze of the Violet Death

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While Auros finished with her nightly activities within the cave that contained the sealing chamber of an ancient enemy, Violet Death felt a shiver go down her spine.


It was even stronger than the one she felt some weeks ago when the ominous storm rained down upon the now burning mountain.


Such question broke the silence that reigned over the library that served as her personal space, all as she moved her gaze in search for what had caused such feeling. Furthermore, she had not noticed it, but her hand was trembling as she uttered that question in her silent and lonely library.

Of course, she already knew that the reason behind that shiver was nowhere close to her, but she still did so for it was like an instinct deeply ingrained within her.

After all, something being utterly broken and practically erased from existence was not something she got to feel every day. was an occurrence even more rare than that. For she was able to hear, even if faintly, that being's scream of sheer agony.

But the shock of such occurrence did not last long, having been replaced by a desire to know the reason behind it.

A task that she was more than capable to complete since she was one of the oldest Dragon Lords.

She was not only wise and knowledgeable to an unbelievable level, but she was also more attuned to the energies of the world.

Such attunement was like a sixth sense and while it was not something that could let her pinpoint the exact reason behind her bad feeling, it indeed gave her a little push in the right direction.

Which was more than enough for someone like her.

"So it is that human capital again."

She murmured as she passed her fingers over a map of said place.

"I give it to you, King of Storms. At first, I thought of you as amusing, a new and unexpected character in my play, but you gained my attention when you destroyed Brynn's wide net of [Ice Garden of Silence] in one stroke, causing her to suffer another magical backlash and leaving her without the strength to report back for two days."

Indeed, Scath had been looking forward to 'play' with the strong surprise that had appeared in her boring life. But that amusement turned into attention when the last thing she heard from her deeply close servant was a painful groan as she collapsed, leading to a cut in their communications.

With the help of her knowledge in magic, both Dragon Lord master and servant shared an active magical connection where one could see and hear what the other sees and hears. But they needed a stable mana supply for such connection to work. She even had placed Brynn in an advantageous position where she could both see the 'play' unfold and guide everything to the goal she had in mind through it.

But the King of Storms cut that connection when they broke one of Scath's carefully crafted steps to destroy the capital in one fell swoop. One where she would use her servant's spell to kill everyone in the Capital. Yes, and she would do so the moment that she grew bored of the grand battle that would ensue when her armies appeared on its doorstep.

Just like five years ago.

'A good prelude needs a good follow up.'

That is what she thought at that moment.

But just like her servant's spell, that plan had been broken.

"You did good on your word and went to the capital. You even did that to Brynn knowing fully well that we would immediately know it was you and could launch an attack at that same moment. That confidence..."

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