Chapter 7: (Ominous?) Arrival to a brave new world.

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The world of Arte. A young world, full of greenery, magic, and undiscovered wonders. One where the weather had always been consistent with the seasons. So, an out of season storm is something that shouldn't happen, but that had ceased to be the case.

The people in the outskirts of the Kyrie Kingdom looked at the sky with fear at the sudden appearance of black clouds, booming thunder, and red lightning.

"Mommy I'm scared..."

Said a little village girl as she hugged her mother.

"Any reports of it being caused by a Dragon Lord?!"

Shouted the head of the knights in charge of the outskirts of the kingdom. All his subordinates in charge of intelligence gathering gave him a negative response which baffled him.

"Oh Goddess, please protect us!"

Screamed a priest outside of his church.

Nevertheless, the storm raged on as it moved near a mountain, instilling fear in every person who saw it. Then, as if to give more reasons for such fear, its red lightning started falling on the surface of the mountain it was hovering over.

The first to fall created a magical tremor that was felt all over the world.


A white-haired young-looking woman looked at the sky with worry from her magical tower. Like her, many who were deeply attuned with those energies did the same.

The second released an overwhelming presence that made all the monsters, beasts, and animals in the area to flee in fear. Even the couple of Dragon Lords who were advancing towards the kingdom felt shivers run down their spine.

"Did you feel that Master Scath?"

"Yes, Bryn. It seems the Goddess has done something that might prove bothersome for our plan..."

Said a female Dragon Lord with lustrous dark violet scales clad in gorgeous and revealing armor.

There was no need for it to cover more. After all, a Dragon Lord's armor was more like fashion than protection, since their skin has the highest defensive properties of all dragonkin.

"What should we do, Master Scath?"

Said another female Dragon Lord with icy blue scales and a more proper looking armor, some could say she looked like a knight from afar.

"Stop the advance of our forces for now. We shall gather information on what has the Goddess brought upon us. Let the Kyrie Kingdom enjoy the little time they have gained because of it."

"As you wish, Master Scath."

And finally, the third lightning pierced the mountain with its might. The mountain itself trembled and revealed its true nature in the form of a gaping, burning maw. It was a volcano.

Its black breath would be taken as a wrathful sign of the Goddess against the enemies of the world, renewing the morale of those who were in the Draconic Front.


For a moment I felt as if I was falling. You know that weird sensation one gets in their stomach? Like that. And since I'm afraid of heights, I didn't even think of opening my eyes. Nope. Not doing it.

I fell.

And fell a bit more.

Then I felt something warm enveloping me, covering me who was but a soul, it was a continuous warmth that repeated itself like a heartbeat. No, not was indeed a heartbeat. My heartbeat.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now