Epilogue 2: Reverse isekai cooking and a new arrival.

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"Master! Is this much salt alright?!"

In the middle of a very busy kitchen, Mika exclaims that as she gives me a soup spoon of broth to try out. Said broth is a mix of beef broth, chicken broth and shrimp broth, and it is the base for my pseudo-ramen soup! Yes, pseudo-ramen!

"Mmm! Perfect! Now crush the garlic clove how I taught you and throw it into the broth! Then, after it starts to boil, throw the noodles in and lower the fire!"

"Yes, Master!"

With that, Mika goes to do as I told her, and I immediately crouch to check how a couple of dishes are doing in their respective ovens. And oh yes, the pulled pork and the cochinita pibil are doing just fine! Having multiple ovens rocks! You can just do these kinds of dishes at the same time and not have to worry about oven space, cooking temps and times!

Who would have thought that the path to having a perfect kitchen was dying and going to another world?!

Hm? Why cochinita pibil? Simple! Nana liked it. She used to make some every now and then and I sometimes helped her. One of those times she told me that Gramps once tried to woo her with a worldwide buffet, but that it was kind of 'meh' and she ended up correcting him on a few things.


You see, Gramps used to be a cook, so he collected lots of recipes. It was his obsession along with pocket watches. And that is where his idea of the buffet came from.

I think he would have loved teaching me when I was all crazy about making anime food back in college. Sadly...he passed away long before that.

But hey, at least I can say that I used many of his recipes for those anime dishes or just to cook myself something tasty. I know that would've made him happy too.

And I was able to bring those recipes to this world thanks to my memory. So, sumanai if it looks like I'm cheating, but I wanted everyone to taste lots of delicious things!!

As such, Gramps, I'll be using your idea!!

Ah! Sorry! I got too into it! Well, as you can guess by now, I'm acting as a chef! After all, I did promise my Maid-Knights that I would cook for them if they did well. And they sure did!

At first, I was making everything on my own, but the ones that can cook really wanted to help and their eyes were all lit up with excitement when they asked, so I couldn't say no!

How could I? They look so cute after all!!


Oh, but don't try this at home my fellow weebs and nerds. I have draconic skin harder than titanotite, so no oil burns for me!

"Master Sis, I cut these vegetables like you asked! Should I also cut this chicken and the...su-ri-mi?"

That's Bertia, I gave her permission to call me that last night and she was really happy!

"Umu! Good job pronouncing it correctly too! But also start cooking those vegetables in the pan, then throw in the diced chicken and season it with this black sauce!"

"On it, Master Sis!"

The black sauce bottle that I just 'pulled out' from my bountiful cleavage and threw at Bertia—which she caught easily—contains soy sauce, of course! After all, I don't need any filler arc to find rice or soy sauce, heh. Why? Because I can create them here in my personal space, duh! Also, just like the mix of broths, those veggies, chicken, and surimi are for the pseudo-ramen! It's a recipe that I invented when I got tired of cup noodles in my early years of college and there was no restaurant serving ramen! That also implies that there was no miso to buy, so I had to improvise!! Nana then helped me fine tune it when I made some for her on one of my visits!

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now