Chapter 85: Winter's Fear and Fearless Moon.

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At the same time as a primordial storm bended the knee and a holy lance made it as if the world itself roared, a fated battle was taking place deep in the royal palace of the Kyrie Kingdom.

"I may look different, but I shall protect you with my life! For I am Erevain vi Kyrie! Now come, Eternal Winter! Let us resume our fight!"

Exclaimed the former Crown Prince of the Kyrie Kingdom, who put herself between her family and the Dragon Lord that was crawling out of a certain ice doll's body, Hilde Val's body.

Said ice doll fell apart as the one controlling it fully came out and filled the room with her killing intent and mana, overwhelming everyone in the room except Erevain.


"! How did you manage to...nngh...fight that, Big Brother?!"

"...this is a...nn...Eternal Winter?!"

Mary, Euphemia, and Licht were baffled as to how Erevain had been able to resist such crushing presence five years ago.

How was Erevain not completely paralyzed by it back then?

How did she push forward against the being that was now before them?

And while its suffocating presence gave the illusion that they were before something of great proportions, she still had a humanoid figure, one which resembled her doll in appearance. But if one were to look at her closely, one would notice that even then her beauty could be said to be in another level. Indeed, such beauty could be described as otherworldly, or almost divine, and it extended to her armor, which was as white as the snow that began to cover the room with her mere presence.

Her hair was a cold white with a tinge of blue.

Her icy blue eyes had a draconic shape and inhuman glow.

Her horns had a feathered wing shape and were positioned in such a way that they gave impression of a headband or a tiara, and they were almost immaculate.

Indeed...almost, for there was a scratch in one of them.

"Your form has changed...but your recklessness...has not, Fallen Prince..."

So said Eternal Winter as spite filled her melancholic voice and painted over her cold expression.

Such was her hatred towards Erevain that even her fangs were showing very, very clearly.

"You still believe that you can...match my power? That you can do...more than this?"

With such words having left her lips, she traced her hand along her scratched horn and the intensity in her eyes grew deeper.

Not only that, but the cold got worse as the crunching sound of the room freezing made its appearance.

Even then...Erevain ignored it all, the cold, the crushing presence of a Dragon Lord and her killing intent.

She ignored it all as she pointed her silver blade towards her with eyes full of resolve and firmly declared...

"I do."

Then, after locking gazes for a second...


"...! Haa!"

...Erevain turned around with an absurd speed and slashed at the many ice stalactites that sought to impale her siblings who still lied on the floor.


Exclaimed Licht shocked as to how he did not notice such incoming attack until Erevain thwarted it.

But that was simply the opening salvo.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now