Chapter 32: Two weebs go into an onsen and...

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With the meeting over I was left to my own devices.

Erevain and the other top maids, including Gabrielle, left to discuss things one more time while also going over the budget for the materials and such. After all, we just got a big increase in money thanks to Nerinne and Ilya.

Sylvie and Sophie were grabbed by Kris, who didn't go with the rest of the top maids, and taken to the training room without them having the chance to say no. Although Sylvie looked quite happy and promised Nerinne that they would spend time together once she has picked a room and so on.

Seriously, that girl is really friendly.

Sophie, on the other hand, looked as if she wanted to escape, but there was no way for her to escape Kris' iron grip on her shoulder.

Meanwhile, Jules went to the dining hall with Louise to check out the new ingredients that appeared here thanks to me eating at the inn. I can't wait to eat what Louise ends up making with them.

Lastly, Roxxy took Ilya and some of the maids to the smithy. My cute daughter looked a bit overwhelmed at first, but everyone was so friendly with her that she managed to beat her shyness.

That's our girl!

And so...we are alone now, Nerinne.

"Fufufu~~~, indeed. I am sure you already have an idea as to what we can do with this free time on our hands."


I am locking arms with my divinely beautiful girlfriend while walking in one of the castle's hallways. This is not a drill. I repeat, this is not a drill!

I'm so happy!

Also...I can feel them...! Oh yes, I can.

And of course, you are listening to me and laughing!

"My! Of course, dear! Although, I do this because I want to be close to you, listening to you reacting like that is just added value. We did spend all those hours together in my divine realm so I always long to be physically with you."

I would feel myself blushing if I wasn't already and...

" too. But you are always with me so that helps me manage that feeling."

"Some people would not like having their girlfriends with them all the time or having said girlfriends read their thoughts, you know?"

Says Nerinne while giving me a curious look.

"Well, you've already seen my deepest desires and wishes. You even helped me realize a lot of them. Not forgetting that you also enjoyed everything that I showed you and considered me a friend by the end of it. You have seen me at my most bare state, my literal soul. You accept me even after all of that, so...I accept you as you are."

"You are truly quite strange...but that is one of the things I love about you, Auros."

"Please, you also have your own strangeness to think about, but I too love that part of you."

She unequips my shoulder armor with magic and rests her head on my shoulder.

Yep, she can do that.

I tilt my head in a way so that I can touch hers and we keep walking.

Try telling me to explode! HAHAHA!

Ah, we arrived.

The baths.

There are two very different entrances in front of us.

One goes completely with the medieval-fantasy theme of the castle with a wooden door and everything.

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