Chapter 26: Sylvie's test.

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"Please, let me accompany you on your journey, Lord Auros!"

That is what Sylvie just asked me when I was leaving for my room at the inn, accompanied by Erevain.

I already suspected something like this happening when we were talking to her yesterday, and now that we have taken care of one of the reasons that she had for not leaving the village, she is seizing the opportunity to do it with us.

What should I do?

Well, let's ask her for her reasons first.

"Can you tell me your reasons behind such question, Sylvie? We do speak with a more casual tone between each other, but it does not erase the fact that you met me just yesterday."

I say that while trying to be the responsible adult here...and before anyone laughs, I really was a responsible adult back on Earth, yes?! I did my job perfectly, paid my bills, and so on. Me deciding where the rest of my paycheck went is totally fine!

"I...I thought that if I accompanied you on your journey, I would be able to see and experience things no one else has. I also want to do something more with my life. You told the old man that you were the Knights of The Ever Burning Will for Goddess sake! After what you just did it's impossible for me to not want to follow you...I mean...not only do you have a blessed weapon too, but you helped the village and just asked for more delicious food as your reward, nothing more. I can't imagine someone like that not being trustworthy or evil. Also I...really, really, really felt that you were a great person after our first conversation!"

Sylvie says her piece and man, that was a mouthful, she is even panting a bit now. She sure is doing her best though.

You know? It really is surprising that Sylvie is the only one asking to follow me. Everyone in the village saw me using a holy weapon and perform what some people would call a miracle.

Yet, aside from some questions about it here and there, no one brought up the desire of joining us.

Maybe it would be fine taking her with us?

"Are you ready to commit to our cause without knowing about it?"

Erevain steps into our conversation with a serious expression in her face while saying that. Her black hair, which is slightly undulated, sways accordingly on the sides of her face as she moves.

"Yes, those are all the benefits you might enjoy if you join us, but have you stopped for a moment to think about the negative aspects you might have to face? Our Lord indeed wishes to travel the world and see its wonders, but he also carries a heavy burden. One myself and the others accepted to carry. Are you willing to do the same?"

She pressures Sylvie but...she is looking back at Erevain right in the eye.

She really has some good eyes, this girl.

"I...get that I don't know your cause or the burden that Lord Auros has, Miss Erevain. But...! How am I going to know if you don't tell me? Even if I already have an idea! You are probably doing this because you think I'm too young for whatever is that you are doing, but I still want to leave this village, do something different, something good, see something beyond this place! I am already willing to risk my life on the roads going alone, but I want to do it with you guys!"

Says Sylvie while doubling down on her desire to accompany me, us, instead of being intimidated by Erevain.

Although, I bet if Erevain had her past face it would've been a slightly different story, but I won't tell her that, she seems to be easily affected when people say that she looked scary.

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