Chapter 25: Village purification and a girl's decision.

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In the part of the forest where forcefully conscripted villagers used to mine the black mineral, four maids waited for their master's return.

Their Master had witnessed something that clearly angered her and had gone to talk to the one responsible.

That was five minutes ago.

The black-haired maid, Erevain, who was the right hand of their Master, stood beside one half of the big icicle she had sliced. It didn't melt and was freezing the soil beneath it.

The blonde and red headed maids were with her too.

The blonde one, Gabrielle, felt chills immediately, realizing the great magical energies that went into making the icicle they were looking at.

The red headed one, Kris, meanwhile was excited just looking at the results of Erevain's swift response and the implications that came of repelling a Dragon Lord's attack. Her whole body was burning up with the possibilities it opened in her mind.

Luca was guarding the area, making sure no one else entered it.

"I once tried to cut down an attack like this one...not only did I lose my shield, but my arm was completely broken. The worst of all, is that the attack was smaller...weaker."

Said Erevain as she looked at the half icicle that was near her.

"And now you can cut one this size in half! Ha! If that's not progress, I don't know what it is!"

Kris patted Erevain's back with her hand in a friendly manner while smiling fully.

Gabrielle giggled a bit and nodded.

"Indeed. I remember the time it took for me to heal that arm of yours to the point of being as good as new. Looking back now is as if you are a different person now."

The three looked at themselves, now women and maids, and laughed for a bit.

They were warriors that could laugh even after witnessing death and overwhelming power.

Any warrior who wished to survive had to be like them.

"Ignoring the is true. Our strength, speed, endurance, reaction times, senses, everything is sharper. Better. When I saw the icicle approaching My Lord, my body felt filled with power and the assurance that I could do it. No...that I was meant to do it."

Erevain looked at her delicate and feminine hand and made a fist several times as she remembered how her sword went through the icicle as easily as if it was butter. Then, she wondered for a second what could have happened that day if she had the strength she had now.

The images of her battle against that Dragon Lord flashed through her mind but then she sighed and shook her head, realizing that it wasn't the time to be dwelling on 'what ifs' and the past.

"Our Master did say that we had become beings capable of fighting Dragon Lords as our natural opponents. I had thought for a moment that it was meant as a metaphor, but no, it was literal. Quite the great Master we have."

Said Gabrielle with an enchanting smile and a tinge of red in her cheeks showing the deep emotions she had.

"Oh yes! Our Master sure is great! To be able to fight those bastards at their level is...! I need to train this body to its limits! I need to do what our leader did here without using a skill! That will be my immediate goal, heh. I just can't help but be really excited about all of this!"

Kris held her fists high to her head and jumped excitedly while hitting the air as if she was shadowboxing. She was like a kid who found something new to do.

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