Chapter 90: The Red Scourge's strength and the Princess' Magic.

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As I walk through the valley trying center myself...through being comical...

Let me start again, is that alright?

Yes? Take my time? Hey, that is quite nice of you. I knew that I could count on us weebs being there for each other when it counts.


As I walk slowly through the 'hallway' that connects the two spots where I teleport from and to, I can feel the heaviness in my heart slowly disappearing...

Although I can feel myself stopping every now and then too...

Just to process...

Maybe it is an effect of this quiet and tranquil place...

A place where time flows differently since I do appear 'instantly' on the other side. It doesn't matter if I walk or run here...

I wonder just how much time have I spent here...?

Anyways, I walk forward again, if only just a bit...

Maybe it is an effect of my inhuman body?

No, I am not in the same case as the Undead Majesty.

"Besides, I made sure that that would not happen, Auros. Your body might be of a different race, but your mind is yours, your heart is are you. That, I swear."

I know, Nerinne.

If that was the case it would've kicked in when my emotions where at its peak.

But I know you considered all of this when you told me there was no problem in doing this.

So maybe it is something else...

Maybe it's that she was at peace?

Maybe it's that I know that there still work to do?

No...I think I know...

It is simply the fact that I have accepted what I've done...that I have accepted what I will do and that I know that death is not the end...

I cannot get tired of saying this, but knowing what death truly means and what comes next can really help...I guess...for there is no feeling of being lost...

Or not in the traditional sense...I am not doubting...I am not denying...I simply jumped through all those stages?


Maybe they are happening all at once?


I know where I am, I know my destination and who I am...

"I killed Violet Death."

She was in no way innocent.

Her army too.

And in doing so, I both have rid the world of someone that had harmed so many innocents and saved all those she would have harmed in the future. I protected this world because I love it and I want to know more of those I have met here.

"There is no turning my back on those facts."

My choices.

My reasons.

Even then, she died in the way she wanted to die.

She died peacefully and seemingly with no regrets.

If I am to give up because of it, I would be disrespecting our fight.

I would be disrespecting the character whose form I chose for my body.

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now