Chapter 36: Once upon a time in the Kyrie Kingdom part 1

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Even Gabrielle and Bertia have 'It's about time' written all over their faces.

Meanwhile, everyone else has an approving expression.

"Now, that makes for an exciting story while traveling, yes!"

Says Lucy with a big smile and a spirited tone, but Mika is looking at her quite reproachfully.

"How can you say that? What happened to our Leader and us was terrible."

"Hahaha, lighten up, Mika! Yeah, sure, it was all of that, but if that never happened, we wouldn't have met our dear Lady Auros over there. Let alone talk with Miss Nerinne. So, it balances out, don't you think?"

And she winked at me again when she mentioned me, charming, aren't you? Heh.

"Y-Yes, I guess so, but still..."

Mika, you don't have to hold back on your words. That should be easy to understand since I'm not reprimanding Lucy for her familiar tone and so on.

Come on! You are supposed to be the studious type!

"Besides, it has many things in common with those novels you used to lend me, you know? Drama, action, suspense, tragedy, and if I may, likable characters!"

"It may have all of that but...! You can't compare it to those novels! You need to learn the difference between fiction and reality, or risk being called worse things than stupid!"


Mika. That hurts.

I can already imagine Nerinne rolling on the floor while laughing...

I need to say something but...

"*chuckle*Lucy might be right, Mika. It does resemble one of those stories you can find in bookshops."

...Erevain beats me to it.

Her smile has a bit of nostalgia mixed in.

"I-I'm sorry Leader is just that..."

"I understand Mika. Do not worry."

"I...very well, Leader."

With that Mika stands down, but now she is being teased by Lucy with her telling Mika that it is her 'win' and so, our bespectacled maid is pouting because of that.

"Now, yes, this is the story of our circumstances as a group and mine as a person. It all started five years ago..."

5 years?! That's how long they had been living where I found them?!


We were returning to the capital after completing a subjugation quest deep in the mountain range or the Titan's Rest as how it is called in the Kingdom.

At that time, we were a Knights' Order called the 'Swords of Dawn', and just like the other orders in the Kingdom, it was our responsibility to protect it and its people from many threats. Some being dungeons, monsters, beasts, or expeditionary forces of the Draconic Army.

We also delivered supplies to those affected by famine, medicines to those affected by sickness and relief to those affected by natural disasters.

And I was the one who led the 'Swords of Dawn'.

I...Erevain vi Kyrie, crown prince of the Kyrie Kingdom.

Or that is what my name used to be.

In any case, there was always a festival whenever we returned to the capital.

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