Chapter 46: Capital on sight! But that a carriage in danger?!

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The days passed by quite quickly and before I knew it, we were now in the last stretches of our road trip.

We passed through some other villages but avoided big cities though.


Because I am sure we would've been pulled into something else if we did.

Even if we are not opposed to helping out. Heck, that is something I would do to the best of my ability even without my promise to Erevain.

I cannot disappoint Nerinne.

I mean, I am not heartless, but as I said before, I am no 'hero of justice' either. I cannot save everyone...well, dealing with the dragon lords technically 'saves everyone', but you get my point!

And...with the threat of Brynn and her master looming on the horizon we had to prioritize.

Even if I say that, we did help various villages along the way, not only those we stopped at by night or those we visited to buy more ingredients so I could taste them. 

By the way, Louise must be quite happy with all those ingredients now appearing in the castle's kitchen, heh.

In any case, in one of the villages people were sick and the vaccines still had a week before arrival.

So, Gabrielle, Allegra and Bertia shined that day by quickly diagnosing and identifying the sickness, all while treating everyone's pain with either magic or alchemical concoctions.

It seemed to be a common sickness in the Kingdom, one that looks similar to smallpox, but instead of just weakening a person physically this one also drains their mana too, giving them the symptoms of sudden mana depletion besides all the other physical symptoms.

Allegra was glad that it was this one and not the lethal, more difficult to cure, version of it.

Maybe that was the sickness Hilde's vaccination campaign was trying to cure?

My instinct was telling something along those lines.

After some hours Allegra and Gabrielle came up with a remedy that would help the villagers endure the week.

"I could have made a medicine to cure it, Master. If only I had a week, my lab, and the notes I left in the Capital..."

That is what Allegra said to me when we got back in the carriage, her expression was filled with frustration, but she got a bit better after the other maids and Luca reminded her that the vaccines were already on the way.

Still, I must see Allegra's lab, or something similar, to give her one in the castle. Because if I try to make one with just my isekai knowledge and preconceptions, I might make something quite flashy but useless.

I also detected some strange minuscule traces of foreign mana in the body of the villagers, it was so small that I thought it could be just something natural in this world.

But then my instinct gave me a bad feeling, so I tried and broke it.

That also meant that it must have been related to one of my affinities to be broken, but it was so small that I was having trouble identifying which.

Oh well, better safe than sorry I say.

Then, we passed by a group of bandits trying to raid another one of the villages along our way.

As if we were going to let that happen.

Erevain and Erica quickly took care of all of them and ended up being named 'Magical Maids' by the children who witnessed the fight.

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