Chapter 54: Sophie's revenge.

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Sophie had chosen the man's scroll for a couple of reasons.

Reasons that had nothing to do with the location of said target being near her house nor her desire to get some things from there.


She chose that man's scroll because his capture would help her get out of the hellish training she was going through in the castle.

But most importantly, it could be said that that man was responsible for everything that happened to her recently.

Something that the maid believed fervently as she remembered how she met the man in her living room.

It was a time after a certain Dragon Lord's attack, after an Order was forgotten and the fall of a prince.

Back then, the maid known as Sophie was no maid nor was named Sophie.

She was not even a woman.

She was a he, and he was a guard, a new guard.

He was a young man who had arrived at the Kingdom's Capital with the desire of a fresh start and leaving his past behind.

His appearance was rather unremarkable, if only a bit roguish due to his hair and strange laugh.

But such things would always just fade into the background of a city so rich in its variety of inhabitants.

And he was fine with that.

Just like he was fine with the routine and his uneventful rounds.

But life is not just that.

It will never be just that.

And such a reminder came in the form of the strange disappearance of weapons and pieces of armor from the guard's armory of his district.

At first, it was just thought as an error made by the one in charge of taking inventory, but as things continued to disappear, it was clear that the guards had a thief among them.

Of course, the man who became Sophie was not of enough rank to be part of the investigation, but that failed to dissuade him as he felt sure that he could find the culprit.

For he had certain...experience.

Let us just say that his roguishness was not for nothing. it happens to those who stick their heads in matters that they are not supposed to, he found himself in the worst possible situation.

After all, a new guard being found inside the armory way into the night could only be seen in a certain way, right? Furthermore, one that managed to avoid the measures taken to guard the armory.

Truly incriminating...and convenient for the one who had been waiting there.

He had hoped to catch the culprit, but, in the end, the one caught was him. And by someone far worse than whoever was said culprit.

So, as he hid in the shadows of the armory, he heard something and went to take a look.


Sadly, he was knocked out as soon as he did.

"Wake up."

"Hrnn...where...? Who...?"

Shortly after, he was woken up by the voice of the one who captured him. Still, everything was hazy for a moment, making it difficult for him to realize the severity of the situation in which he found himself.

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