Chapter 11: Isekai bandit chapter

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"Wouldn't it be simpler to just choose another road? I mean, you don't have to follow this one. Even more knowing that there's bandits here."

As you can see, Nerinne is surprised by the path I chose to take. Anyone with common sense would share her opinion, so I get where she is coming from. But...I am not like that anymore.

"I believe I said I would live this life according to my feelings, right?"

Or was that something that one of the characters in those novels said? Was it? Oh well, something along those lines.

"Yes, you did."

I am currently walking on the dirt road I saw while surveying the area outside of the cave. One thing I noticed when getting here is that the road is clean. Too clean. And also, well maintained, even though there are bandits here.

How do I know?

Come on.

"You just can't have a reincarnated person in a fantasy world without them facing bandits right after the start of their journey. It's part of the fun~~."

And establishes that they can kill without batting an eye, even if they had never done so before. Buuuut it's just like a game, man!

"Auros, are you going to kill bandits to try out your strength?"

"Ouch, that tone of yours just now hurts my feelings Nerinne. How can you suspect that of me? *sniff-sniff*."

I may be a bit strange but, no, I am not like that.

"That's a no, right?"

"Of course, it's a no! Stop it with that suspecting tone!"

Besides, there are more efficient ways to test my abilities and so on. Like attacking a big rock to see my magic power, lifting a big tree for physical strength, and even duking it out with a harmful monster for a mix of that. See? Efficient and reasonable!

"Then what are you going to do to them?"

"Heh. Now, now, just wait. Can't spoil the fun, can I? I promise that it is not something bad and you will have fun too."

"Fufu~~. Then, I look forward to it."

We covered a good distance while we were talking, and we are now in an area where trees and more greenery grow to the side of the road. My comment from before still counts here. The road is too clean for it to be a bandit-controlled road.

It is kind of strange. But well, I can always just ask.

"Since they are already here."

I murmur while looking around. I am completely and utterly surrounded. Ten? No, twenty. Quite the ambush they got here. Just as expected. And yes, I'm totally smiling under my helmet.

"Do not make any sudden movements!"

So shouts a deep male voice from somewhere. That is obviously the bandit leader, but he is not near. I bet he is in the rear.


I stop moving. I can already hear the archers of the group readying their bows. Because of course, archers are composed of archers!

"State your business in these parts!"

Huh? No 'all your things are belong to us'?

"Hooh~~~? Quite the strange question for those who are bandits."

I say doing my best besto waifu impression. It sounds so good. Well that is to be expected since now I have her voice, but still!!!

"Do not speak unless it is for answering my questions! I'll say it again! State your business in these parts! Answer or...!"

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now