Chapter 34: A Goddess' request and Maid-Knights' activities.

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"We really spent a good amount of time in the bath, huh?"

I say that as I finish doing my braid-bun and adding the dark blue ribbon Nerinne just gave me.

"Indeed, high noon has come quite quickly. More importantly, how do the new clothes feel, dear? Fufu~."

Meanwhile, that same girlfriend of mine asks me that, clearly having enjoyed watching me change into the new clothes that she made and enjoying it even more now that I have them on.

By the way, we are back in our private locker room.

"This was one of the outfits I wanted to use since I got this body but the breeze..."

I say so as I try to look down at my legs and the long navy-blue skirt that covers them, but my breasts are in the way.

Yep, I can't see a thing, well, besides these bags of joys and dreams that are ever so tightly enclosed by a white long-sleeved blouse, one that folds in all the right places, pulling my attention to them, and the navy-blue ribbon that is on the blouse's neck, its laces resting right on top my chest.

As you may have already guessed, I'm using one of the sets of casual clothes that my besto waifu used in her games.

"It still feels kind of weird to use a skirt...even if using my bodysuit could be considered weirder."

I sway around a bit and feel how the skirt moves along with me, fluttering and pulling my attention towards it...

This breezy feeling is quite strange for me...

My breasts jiggle a bit too as I move, but the bra I'm using helps with that.

Even though this body already helps to keep them in place naturally.

"Now, now. An outfit must be worn completely or not at all. That includes the underwear and the tights."

"Yeah, I can see that perfectly."

Nerinne is wearing a perfect reproduction of Batty-hime's 'princess' outfit.

It's obvious, but she looks breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Thank you. I could say the same thing about you though. Fufufu~~~."


I spin around letting the skirt float up a bit and then I make a pose that goes accordingly with my statement, planting my feet on the floor, putting one hand on my hip, and the other one extended in front of me while making a 'v' sign.

Heck, I even use a bit of light magic behind to drive the point home.


I know I'm making a smug smile right now since I'm pretty satisfied with myself.

"Yes...haha...that is indeed how you are, Auros. And here I thought I was going to enjoy some of your embarrassed expressions."

"Heh, sumanai, but I wasn't planning on doing that. COSPLAYING WITH THIS BODY IS A MUST."

We both laugh for a bit after I say that.

This is really fun.

"Although why am I wearing the OG casual set and not the more popular Gothic Lolita?"

I tilt my head as I ask that, my bangs moving along with it.

"Patience dear, it is a virtue in all worlds. That, and I wanted to save it for when you are in the capital. Do believe me, you will love it."

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now