Chapter 76: To make an entrance and clear a misunderstanding

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"Hmph. The sun is setting. It is time."

So I say as I look from the balcony at the hues of orange that have started to paint the sky.

"Yes, My Lord. The time has come for us to do what we came for and I can safely say that everything is ready, for all the preparations are in order and our comrades are prepared to move at a moment's notice."

Erevain, who is at my side, says that with a certain expression on her face. One that has some anticipation mixed in with her usual cautiousness, but there's something else in that mix...

"Indeed, but...are you ready, Erevain?"

I have asked her this question multiple times already, but she is about to face the rest of her family for the first time after everything that happened. Heck, she will most probably fight them.

And that, coupled with that which she is trying to hide, is making me ask that.

"I am, My Lord."

She turns to me and as she says that she produces a reassuring that doesn't reach her eyes...which makes me reach out and hold one of her hands. Then, I look at her in the eyes, not with pressure or intimidation, but concern.

I mean, if you were to tell me to fight Nana because she is doing something terrible and stupid, it would still be hard for me...

Heh, and not just because I'd be afraid of her wrath, which is a very good reason. It would just be difficult for me. Yes...even if I went through what Erevain did.

So, imagine how she must be that...there's no need to imagine, her strong front has crumbled away and now there's a complex expression on her face...

"Haaa...that look is cheating, My Lord..."

"Huhu...perhaps but I do not mind using it if it's to help you."

"I...I cannot deny that there is a knot in my throat made of all the uncertainty that has built up over these days...but then I remember how my Father is going against both my Mother's last words and the last will of the Great Founder, the tragedy of Ryze Village, the siege, Illumbee Village, the Evil God's blood...and that knot disappears."

Her gaze turns into a glare as she declares the following:

"He is no longer the father I used to know...he is a stranger."

But that glare softens as she turns to look at the palace before continuing.

"As for Licht and Mary...I still want to believe that they had a reason to do what they that I want to try and understand. Because I want to...hope that they can still redeem themselves. But for me to ascertain that, I cannot stay holed up in a forest playing bandit, nor I can stay in My Lord's castle."

As she is about to make another declaration, her glare turns into an expression full of conviction.

"I must go and talk with them, be it with my voice...or my blade."

With that, she interlocks her fingers with mine, turns to me, and smiles...

"Last but not least..."

It is a smile full of endearment.

"...I must be by your side, My Lord. And pardon me for what I am about to say but...even if My Lord did not have that absurd level of power, I would have still wanted to be by your side while doing this."

So warm...

So gorgeous...

"And she pretty much confessed too, dear~~."

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