Epilogue #?∳⌶?ℌ⟱Ⅸ?⤀▆?: The Godess' Vision

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The Ends of the World.

Lands of primordial storms and ice that have never been fully explored due to such harsh environment.

As their name implies, they are located at the 'end' of the world in both the north and south, its poles.

It is rumored that a certain Dragon Lord was born in one of these lands and was found there by one of the very few beings powerful enough to explore it.

But that is not the rumor nor legend that matters now.


There is one far more important than that, for those merciless lands are the place where the Tower stands.

Be it in the north.

Be it in the south.

The Tower has always been there.

Both reaching at the heavens and piercing right through the deepest of depths.

Its existence is mentioned in the Holy Scriptures of the Nerinnus Church and in some of the world's legends from the Legendary Age.

It is a place like none other in Arte.

Whereas most of the world and its very countries follow the way of love and warmth, even if it is in their own ways, there is none of that there.

Not in its dead design, nor in what lies inside.

And that is...a dungeon.

Yes, a dungeon of insurmountable size and form, which defies the mind far beyond the breaking point.

A dungeon of infinite traps that more than that, are the divine machinations of the Goddess, capable of taking multiple forms just to stop whoever dared to enter.

A dungeon of an endless number of guardians, all ready and willing to die over and over again to keep that which is trapped inside from ever being freed or...breaking free.

Indeed, as they are not just guardians, they are jailkeepers, for the Tower is a prison made by the Goddess of Arte and its purpose is...the incarceration of the greatest transgressors in the history of the world.

It is there that the one who dared to try and take over her world is sealed.

The one who was so close to killing her.

The worst transgressor of all.

The Evil God.

They dared to defy the Divine Law set by the Divine Council and invaded the world of another God, or in this case, Goddess.

Doing so, not only invited chaos and death upon her world.

It invited war.

War like none other.

A war among Gods.

And to take the world from the Goddess' hands, the Evil God deployed their Emissaries, twisted beings made on their image with only one purpose, to spread their unholy gospel, their...'Words' throughout the lands of Arte.

The more they spread, the more the Evil God became anchored to Arte, and sadly...there were many.

Words of sickness and hunger.

Words of blood and wrath.

Words of nightmares and suffering.

Words of corruption and pain.

Words of death and unrest.

Words of powerlessness and hopelessness.

Words of...hate.

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