Chapter 38: Once upon a father in the Kyrie Kingdom part 3

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A Dragon Lord was coming.

That is what my father said to me then.

And I could not ignore the feeling that it had a motive beyond destroying the capital.

But I had no evidence beyond that feeling.

My father thought so too because his eyes told me that.

There was no need for words.

At least until I broke the silence that had invaded the office.

"How many people know of this?"

"Those in charge of the Orders, your brother, Hilde, and soon the rest of the court will."

"Then I can assume that preparations are already well on the way."

As with any approaching battle, training needed to be intensified, evacuation plans needed to be drafted, provisions counted and more.

"Of course, my son. Hilde and your brother are already taking the necessary steps on the logistics side of things."

Back then that was reassuring, even if I already knew of their capabilities. Because thanks to them I was able to focus on another matter of equal importance.

"Father, when?"

"If they maintain the pace and route they have now, they shall be on our doorstep in less than two weeks."

The route that my father showed me on his map then was a route that seemed to strangely avoid any villages and major cities. Completely unlike any other expeditionary force that came before it.

Such route spoke of an attempt to focus all their strength in reaching the capital without...distractions.

But that also worked on our favor.

"Then we can assemble the Knight's Orders and the National Army and intercept them before they reach the capital. Even more so, we could mount a pincer attack on both flanks while distracting them with a frontal assault. Furthermore, I am sure that the Alliance of Nations will also provide reinforcements after knowing of a Dragon Lord's involvement. The Demon King of the Zenji Kingdom would even teleport some of their troops here as an immediate act of support."

I was truly confident in that plan for the nations of the Goddess' races were, and still are, all united against the threat that the Dragon Lords pose. All offer support to the others and their soldiers fight as one, shedding blood as brothers. Even now, there are people fighting in the Draconic Front which lies in the land now known as the Lost Continent. A place that is a reminder of how much we have lost and the supremacy of our enemies.

The Kingdom of Fairies, Faerum.

The Beast-man Republic, Aiolia.

Such places are among those lost...those that are no more.

And the toll of those particular events would have been larger if not for the intervention of the Demon King, who, while aided by the Goddess' blessing, used his spatial magic to teleport away the citizens of those nations. But that was not all, the Demon King, whose kingdom had been blessed with ample land, immediately provided refuge and that same land to those who lost theirs in a complete act of selflessness. Our Kingdom and the other nations did the same and doing so reinforced our sense of unity.

Actions that the Goddess...Miss Nerinne, smiled upon, providing continuous years of good harvests for our lands.

As such, I felt that if we made the right choices there, we could have made the Dragon Lord lose its interest in attacking the capital and caused it to return to where it came from.

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