Chapter 27: Resolve. Toast. Lap pillow.

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Kris couldn't believe me while Sylvie confessed to have had some doubts initially but defaulted to thinking of me as male.

To think I had to resort to something I thought of in the middle of a rant...

So, after showing what lies under my breastplate, as in boobs, to a shocked Kris and Sylvie, they both were embarrassed and apologized deeply.

Ah, I also heard a yelp coming from the roof. That one must have been Luca.

But going back to Kris for a bit. She was completely red and nervously looking for a way to refer to me.

"I-I'm so sorry My Lo—Lady no...Master!"

Heh, she looked so cute while fumbling for words. Even more, she had already used 'Master' to refer to me before, so I guess she was just that shocked.

After a series of apologies later, I was finally able to go inside the inn.

Which is where I am now.

And Erevain, as expected, is close behind me.

"Are you not going to enjoy the festivities anymore, Erevain?"

I ask her while going up the stairs.

"My place is right here with you, My Lord. And...I wish to check my equipment, meditate too. After the events of today, a confrontation with Brynn and her Master is sure to happen."

I can see that Erevain is worried, anxious even, but there's also anticipation in her eyes.

Also, she seems to know about Brynn's Master even if I haven't told her.

"Indeed. The main scenario being the capital, and you in the center of it all, fighting against Brynn and whoever is on their side within the Kingdom. It might be someone close to you, close enough that you cannot see their true intentions. I know I should be asking this when we arrive at the capital and not here. But are you ready, Erevain?"

Her eyes widened at the mention that someone close to her might be the one working with the Dragon Lords.


She's now clenching her fists, clearly upset while looking to the side, as if remembering something she didn't want to...

I'm sorry, but that is something you don't only find in isekais, it also happens in the classics that involve the drama of royalty. Brothers would fight amongst themselves, or their parents, for power.

Heck, even in my world it happened all the time. I saw some cases when I was on the job. Just put a hefty inheritance in the middle of a big family and watch how those 'bonds' burn in flames fueled by greed.

Too real?

Too real, my bad.

But still...the chance of Erevain finding out that the sibling she was thinking of last night was not only responsible for what happened in this village but that they were also working with the Dragon Lords is high.

Worst of all, my instinct is telling me that I am right. At least in the part of it being someone closely tied to her. Sibling or a parent either...or both...

I need more information so that my instinct's precision is higher with these things, I don't want to be surprised again...

Even if that just set up a damn flag!

"In the years I spent in that forest with everyone...I do not want to admit it but...the thought that something was festering within the kingdom was there...deep in my mind...I did not know what to do. I did not want to know. So, I ignored it, all while growing accustomed with living hidden in the outskirts and helping the citizens that way. I told myself that I was weak, that I lacked the strength necessary to fix the Kingdom, all because I was not able to foresee what happened."

In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now