Chapter 8: They truly feel it better.

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Female pleasure.

I have been curious about it since I was in junior high hearing how women have multiple orgasms, unlike men. You could say it also played part in my choosing of this body.

"Ah! Hmnnng!"

My female acquaintances told me that their body turns into an erogenous zone when they manage to get 'there'. That it is a high like none other. I'm glad they were comfortable enough with me to be able to talk about it.

"This...ahn! Mmmhmmm!"

That was why I asked the Goddess for the skill [Pleasurable Hands]. So that I could reach that 'place' whenever I want to, even more so, considering that I wasn't human anymore. Of course, it is something that I plan to use on Nerinne too... if things go there that is...

"Something is...AaaAaAAH!"

My mind goes blank. The waves of pleasure just keep on coming. I squeeze one of my breasts and pinch its nipple while my other hand is on my genitals. I'm arching on the bed with my legs trembling and then all my strength leaves my body, but the pleasure keeps coming. I even twitch a bit.


That was the third time, and my hand went for more. I wanted more. I wanted to hear my new voice more. I wanted to feel my soft and yet solid skin. I wanted to satiate this burning heat that grew stronger every time I looked at myself in the mirror in front of me.

I put myself face down letting my breasts touch the sheets. I can feel their weight while they jiggle a bit, but it doesn't bother me at all. Just as she said, my back and shoulders are strong. My whole body is. There were moments I thought I would break the bed, but nothing happened to it.

They are sensitive, so much that I climaxed just by playing with them for the first time...

I grab one of my big breasts and start again in my new position.

"This...ahn! Is the best!"

I was so entranced with the pleasure that this new body was giving me that I didn't notice the Goddess sitting on the chair beside the bed. Her eyes glowing gold and her expression full of enjoyment.

What awaited me was a long night.


So that is how it feels to have a flashback after falling in a surprising situation...

Nerinne just appeared out of nowhere while I was getting acquainted with my new body. She just giggled and without saying a word she started...


She took advantage of my surprise to take the lead and going further, just like she said to me before I was reincarnated.

"Nerinne...mmhm! What...are you...hiiih!"

I felt like a lamb being eaten by a hungry lioness. She didn't stop until I climaxed three more body feels like jelly...

"My, oh my. I am just doing a little checkup, Auros. Does it feel that good? Fufufu~~."

And now she is teasing me with her own version of the skill [Pleasurable hands]! She is just caressing my body but... AH! KUH!

This goddess...I can't even narrate proper-HMMmmm!

"So cute. Auros you are so cute! I could swear that your pupils just turned into hearts!"


In another world as my waifu #1: Brave New World and the Fallen Prince(ss)Where stories live. Discover now