Chapter 52: Invitation for infiltration!

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This happened four years ago.

In a day of a certain month, out of nowhere, the King summoned a certain group of three people to a location that was held in absolute secrecy.

For that, they were escorted through a series of dark tunnels that lied beneath the palace.

Of course, they obviously did not know the reason why, but it was more than clear that it was important.

Extremely important.

If not, then there would be no reason for such level of secrecy.

In any case, the tunnels kept getting more and more difficult to navigate as they continued their descent, which made them glad that they had someone guiding them.

Then, after having descended even more, one of them noticed that the once plain walls of the tunnels were replaced by ones with markings on them.

Not only that, but the tunnels themselves felt different. As if they were much, much older.

Indeed, it was as if they had gone into a different set of tunnels.

Curious, one of the people summoned looked back and confirmed that that had been the case for a while.

As they advanced, the markings grew more and more complex until they turned into a carved mural with strange symbols and figures.

None of which they had ever seen before.

"It is as if the carvings are telling a story."

Said one of them in awe.

"That is because they are."

Said their guide in a matter-of-fact tone.

"But we've been having some trouble deciphering anything more than that. For example, the symbols there are not in any of the books of the great library and our scholars have yet to find any reference to them..."

Their elven guide then suddenly stopped, putting an end to her explanation and illuminated the wall that blocked their way, for they had seemingly found themselves in a dead end.

"In any case that is not why you have been summoned here; this is."

The guide put her hand on the wall as she covered it in mana and pushed a particular part of it. Soon enough, something clicked, and the wall moved, revealing what could be considered a secret chamber or more like...a massive cave.

It even had a lake of fresh water and the usual stalactites here and there.

And on its deepest part, those summoned saw various excavation equipment and people.

But none of that was what took their eyes in astonishment, for that feat was achieved by a massive door that looked as if it was coming out of the rock wall of the cave.

Which was the case, as those summoned there quickly noticed that parts of it were still covered in rock, indicating that it had been excavated fairly recently.

Furthermore, it had the same mysterious symbols and figures found on the walls behind them. Although, they gave the impression that they acted as some sort of seal for the door, as they were arranged in a way that formed a circle right in the center of it.

"It is good to have you here, gentlemen."

Said a female voice that almost startled the dumbfounded men.

It belonged to one of the advisors of the King, Hilde Val.

"This is..."

Said one of the men as it found himself unable to hold back their amazement any longer.

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