Chapter 10: Her exposition and a volcano

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"Let me see if I understood correctly. My lance can turn into a holy sword too whenever I wish, right?"

I ask Nerinne while I put my armor on. She said I could just do it with magic, but I refused because then there wouldn't be a fanservice shot of my under-boobs while I put the breast plate on. Or a shot of my thighs while I slowly put the leg armor. And how could I forget the armpit close shot!

Got to check those ecchi fetish boxes! THEY. ARE. IMPORTANT!

"Yes. I did that because giving you two holy weapons could be preferential treatment."

"Hoooh~. And the thirteen seals both forms have?"

"Ah, think of those being locked effects and abilities. They will be unlocked when I deem it necessary or if the situation calls for it. Like a boss battle after everything seems lost."

Shounen power ups. Check.

"But since Yawue's Divine Protection gives you a high luck rank, I don't think you should be worried."

Pretty much a deus ex machina then. Check.

"And then there's the Golem mode. I am the only one who can activate it, so don't get any ideas of using it as a decoy or something. "

First companion and heroine. Check! Oh yes! My journey hasn't even started and its already looking, and feeling, good!

"Fufufu~~, I'm glad you are having fun with my exposition, but...!"

Ow! She is pinching my cheeks and pulling them!

" proper attention when I'm talking! Understood?"


"Where was I? Ah, yes. Holy weapons are the epitome of weapons, so you don't have to worry about durability or sharpness. They won't degrade, and they can cut or destroy almost everything."

"Even Dragon Lord skin."

"Even Dragon Lord skin but don't get conceited and...! You!"

"Ow, ow, ow! Sh-shorry! I w-won't do it again!"

My cheeks...they feel like hurts...


"*ahem* We made an incredibly powerful body, Auros. But if we ever encounter a Dragon Lord do not get conceited and think you can beat them all in one swing. Please."

She is worried...

Man, now I even feel bad.

"I'm sorry, I was letting the excitement get to my head."

"It is fine to be excited. After all, this is all new to you. But don't let it blind you, alright?"


"Good. Now, in regard to magic, you just need to picture it in your head and then recite something that acts as a trigger. Since my Divine Protection gives you automatic translation and comprehension of languages, you don't need to worry about the different magical tongues and arcane formulas for the different elements. So, as you sometimes say, just shoot."

"That is actually really useful. It would be a waste to have all these affinities and not be able to use them right away."

"If that poor old man at the magic academy could hear you, he would be already on the reincarnation system. Fufu~~."

She murmured.

"And what about my health and resistances?"

I can already guess...ok, I know for sure that it is on the OP side. But I must hear her say it, you know? It's isekai tradition.

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