Chapter 16: Welcome to the castle of the Ever-Burning Will!

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"So, our cute daughter here was born out of a mix of our magical energies when I did the spell?"

I'm currently sitting on the bed while Ilya is on top of my legs.


My cute little daughter shakes her head in response to my question.

Did I say she is cute? Because she is.

"Ilya...has always been...there...sleeping. Mother's lightning...woke me up. Father's magic gave me form...gave me wish. I wanted to be...with father and mother...suddenly, I was here. Mother arrived and gave me happy...she told me story of father and mother...made me clothes...made me pretty...father arrived...happy, so happy, so so happy...together."


Ah, yes. Nerinne is also here with her eyes shining like stars and almost crying out of cuteness. I can guess she is thinking almost, if not, the same thing as me.

They are both so precious...and it isn't even the second volume yet!!

But all sugar-coated scenes must come to an end for the oh-so complex plot to continue! Umu!

I can feel that all my new combat maids have finished moving their stuff in and are currently waiting at the main hall. Why can I feel that? Well, it is MY space after all, also magic, op body, etc. You know the rest already.

"It seems it is time to show them around, Nerinne can you turn back...?"


I could've sworn that Nerinne was just in front of me. Where did she...?

Ah. Right...

Sorry guys, I hope your hearts are ready.

"Want to come with me Ilya?"


She nodded and got off me while still holding my hand. We walk towards the door.


"Ah, my Lord. that young one?"

Erevain was in the middle of doing a polite bow but she has noticed Ilya, and as such, she has asked that out of surprise while looking at her. And my cute daughter responds with hiding behind my leg.

Aww she is a shy one too...

Erevain looks a bit shocked and hurt by Ilya's reaction though. She seems to be murmuring 'I thought I wasn't scary looking anymore...' I feel you girl, I really do...

"She is my daughter Ilya, do not mind her."

"Y-Yes. As you can see, we have finished moving everything over from the camp. Some of us have questions about this place, but there seems to be a more pressing matter I would like to ask about...who is she and why she seems so eager about taking our measurements?"

Said Erevain pointing at Nerinne. Some locks of her long hair flow to the front and she quickly moves them to the back of her ear. I think I have the perfect hairstyle for her thanks to a certain heroine. Heh. But, back to the conversation.

"Ah yes, she is--"

Wait, how do I introduce her? I was thinking of asking her to turn back into a lance but now that she is enjoying herself, I mean, taking their measurements, that's out of the question. And I was also considering introducing her as THE Goddess, but now that I think about it a bit more, that could be a bit too much...damn that is flag...I just raised a flag, didn't I?

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