Splash! Meet The Stoic.

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Alicia's POV

Click... Click... Click... Click... Click...

The registry secretary is angrily clicking on her keyboard with her fake acrylic nails. She obnoxiously chews on a piece of gum while searching through the class rosters on her dinosaur aged computer.

"Looks...Like... Give me another second..... There! Yes, The orchestra does have few openings. There are spots available for viola, violin, and cello."

She looks from the computer screen back to me expectantly with her raised painted on eyebrows. Drumming her nails impatiently on the desk. I know how to play viola. It's been all summer since I've practiced but I took lessons my whole life. I was good at it. I was in the honors orchestra in high school. The one thing my mom was adamant about was having me learn to play a string instrument. I don't think it would be too hard to get back into the swing of it. I'm sure my viola is still up in the attic. Along with my barbies and littlest pet shop toys.

"I'll join the orchestra please," I said excitedly.

I was nervously twisting a knot in my t-shirt. Poor Kurt. His face is being maimed all to hell.

"Okay, but before you can join you have to audition for the open position. They don't let just anyone in." She looked at me straight-faced.

Duh Alicia... You should have known that. Stupid.

"You have to qualify to get in. I'll set up the audition with the maestro." She said.

She began tapping her nails on the keyboard again. She paused and looked up at me.

"What instrument?"

"I play Viola, ma'am."

She looked back down and began putting in some information and then gave her keyboard one final over emphasized tap with her index finger.

"Alright, I've set you up with an appointment for his next audition slot. Can you be there tomorrow morning? Eight-thirty?"

"Yes, of course, I'll be there," I answered immediately.

It was either hope to get into the orchestra and follow my dreams or face that class again. No way was I going to go back there.

"Okay, your all set dear." She said smiling.

The printer started whirring and spit out a sheet of paper. She twirls around in her office chair and plucks the sheet from the printer's drop tray. She swings back around with her own sound effects "whoop."

She hands me the sheet and gives me a giant grin.

"Anything else I can help you with today hon?"

"No, ma'am." Shaking my head. "Thank you so much. You're a lifesaver."

"Its nodda thing. nodda thing... have a nice day!"

"Erm.. you too. Thanks again."

I have my new schedule in hand. And with it a hope for a new start, a new beginning, another chance to make this college thing end in happiness. I'm so happy I could scream. But I don't. I just happily walk back out through the doors of the admissions office with a big dorky smile on my face. I now have time to kill before my next block so I decided to wander around the campus a bit. I remembered seeing a fountain in the middle of the grounds between all the buildings in one of the giant black and white areal photos of the campus in the freshman lobby. I wondered if it works during the wintertime. I decided to go find out.

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