Trouble In Paradise

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Alicia's POV

We all decided on a Japanese steak house. One of those places where the chef cooks the food right in front of us. We laughed and joked and took videos when the chef flipped the little shrimp in the air for us to catch in our mouths. It was hilarious when Idget tried to catch one but it landed on her eyeball instead of in her mouth. Jake missed every single one. Luke and I each caught one successfully. Once the chef was done cooking the food in front of us, he left we got down to the important conversations that needed to be had. Jake tapped his plastic cup full of water with his fork and stood up.

He took the cup and walked toward Idget who was seated on the opposite end of the table from him.Idget looked frightened as he approached her at first. But when he kneeled in front of her with his cup in both hands she seemed to relax. She realized he wasn't going to harm her or pour another glass of liquid on her head. Her eyes however still bulged from her sockets as she stared at him. Wondering what he was going to do next.

"Idget, please forgive me for pouring coffee on your head all those weeks ago. I was an asshole. I admit it. You didn't deserve how I treated you. I am sorry. I love Alicia with all my heart. Therefore, her friends are also important to me as well. Please pour this glass of water on my head if you forgive me. If you don't pour the glass I shall do it myself but will not be forgiven. So, please... Pour the water."

He held the glass up to Idget but she was dumbstruck. She furiously shook her head no. She didn't want to do it.

"Jake, your apology is undoubtedly sincere. I believe you are sorry. I forgive you but I can't pour water on you."

"Either way it's going to get poured and I am going to get wet Idget. So why not just do it? Have a little fun." Jake coaxed her.

"Do it... Do it... Do it...." Luke began chanting.

"Do it... Do it... Do it..." Tyler joined in.

I began beating my fist on the table quietly with each word. People started turning around to see what all the commotion was. Idget's face began turning bright pink. She slowly took the cup and held it over his head. Tyler whipped out his phone and began recording. Jake lowered his chin into his chest and braced himself for the cold water to drench him.

"Do it. Do it. Do it." Luke and Tyler continued to chant faster.

Idget looked over at me to make sure I was okay with it. I gave her a huge happy grin from ear to ear and nodded my head yes at her. She looked back at Jake and then squeezed her eyes shut as she slowly tipped the cup. Water began drizzling from the cup and landing on Jake's head. Jake didn't move. He didn't protest either. Idget tipped the cup completely upside down and the entirety of the cup splashed down on Jake in one swift splash. Everyone cheered at our table including some people at other tables. Idget laughed as she finally began to find the joy in her payback. Jake wiped the water from his face then lept to his feet and wrapped Idget in a bear hug.

"Thank you!" He yelled.

"Get off me! You're getting me all wet too you dork!" Idget screeched.

"Shit! Sorry!" Jake blurted out as he let her go.

"It's okay." She said while giggling at the sight of him.

"So do you forgive me? Are we friends now?" He asked.

"That was so much fun!" She squealed.

Tyler handed her his water cup.

"Do it again." Tyler dared her.

"No... no... no way." She protested.

Jake kneeled again and waited for her to dump the second glass.

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