Tell Her The Truth

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The psych doctor had just asked Tyler and me to step out of the room so she could talk to Alicia when Luke called. I answered immediately.

Hey Luke.

Hey Jake, how is she?

She's... not doing too good brother. She's still mumbling and she hasn't moved from the window bench since she was brought in. She just keeps staring out the window. The psych doc just went in to speak with her.

So does she understand what's happened to her parents? Luke asked real slowly.

She hasn't asked what happened. But she knows they're gone. Luke, she really needs you here. She won't let anyone near her now.

I'm on my way there now. But Jake, I don't know if I can be strong for her. I mean, I just saw her parents... Her... her mom's eyes... her dad's face was... was...

I heard Luke's voice breaking and wavering more and more with each word. Then I heard him clear his throat and sniffle.

I know man, I understand. You don't have to say anymore. I can't believe you went and did that for her. I couldn't have. Your one brave son of a... Luke cut me off.

No Jake, if I was brave I would have been able to face her father and help Alicia fix the issues between her and her parents before they...

Now I cut him off. I know. But Luke if she had, she would have been there too. You know that. She would have been hurt or worse.

She's never going to get past this. She's got too much to be sorry for. She was on bad terms with them. The last time she saw her mom, they were fighting. Alicia is always going to hurt because of that.

Luke, it can't be helped now. We just have to be there for her. Whatever she needs. We are her family now. We have to be strong for her and help her get through this. There's so much that still needs to be done but she's just completely checked out. She's here... but not...

I know. I'll be there soon. I'm a few minutes away. Is Tyler still there?

Yeah, he's right next to me.

Okay, I'll see you in a few. We will talk more when I get there.

Alright. See you soon.

Luke hung up before I did. I sat on the floor in the hallway near the door to Alicia's room while Tyler nervously paced back and forth. Normally that would bug the shit out of me but I also was fighting the urge to pace the floor myself. I hoped the doctor would be able to give Alicia something to make her sleep for a while. She needs rest. My phone beeped in my pocket. I fished it out and saw Luke's text in the group chat.

Hey, I'm here. Where are you guys?

Were in the observation wing. Room 107.

Okay, thanks. Be there in a sec.

Before I closed the chat box I looked at the photo of the three of us. I couldn't help but admire the loving smile full of happiness on Alicia's face as we kissed her on both cheeks. I wondered if we would ever be able to see that kind of smile on her beautiful ivory face again. I brushed my fingers across her picture and then shut off the phone. I squeezed it tightly in my hand. I felt a raw mix of emotions pass through me. Sadness, anger, remorse, sympathy. Every single emotion, I was being ravaged by them all. But I knew that I needed to remain calm and be strong. Everyone needed someone to be strong. That person needed to be me. I heard sneakers squeak across the floor. I looked up to see Luke. His face was pale and his eyes were puffy and bloodshot. His lips were bright pink.

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