To Do, Or Not To Do

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WARNING: This chapter has some strong sexual content. Please stop reading at the part outlined by the ^^^^STOP^^^^ line and begin reading again at the ^^^^START^^^^ line. THANK YOU.

Alicia's POV

As I locked the doors to the Dragonfly my phone rang. I fished through my bag as I walked hurriedly through the snow-covered sidewalk. Once I found the dimly lit screen of my cell I plucked it out. Luke was calling. I swiped the green call icon and held it to my ear.

"Hey beautiful, you make it home yet?"

"No, I just left the shop. I'm on my way home now."

"Oh alright. Well... Can I keep you on the line until you get home?"

He's so sweet. I love that he cares to make sure I get home safe. The thought makes me feel warm regardless of the freezing temperatures outside.

"Sure," I said simply.

"Alright, then... Tell me about your day? How was it?" He asked. Trying to make conversation.

"My day was good. Until my best friend and my boyfriend almost beat each other to death in the middle of a tea shop." I joked sarcastically.

"Hey, I'm really sorry about that. When I walked in it looked like he was hurting you and you looked like you feared for your life. I instinctively felt the need to jump in and protect the person I love." He explained. His voice sounding apologetic.

"I know. But Tyler would never actually hurt me." I assured him.

"Are you sure? Maybe he wouldn't hurt you physically but what about emotionally? Like... What if he tells your dad about... The hospital."

"He won't. He shouldn't risk losing me as a friend. He knows I would never forgive him if he told my dad I am having sex." My voice sounded convincing but my brain was screaming otherwise.

I really wasn't sure if I believed Tyler. He's not good at keeping secrets. He's probably blabbing to Idget right this very minute about the events that unfolded two hours ago. I let out a loud sigh which was a huge mistake because Luke heard me through the phone. Giving away my real concerns regardless of what I had just assured him.

"You don't sound so sure he won't." He said with worry in his voice.

"No, I am sure. It's just cold."
I tried to make up an excuse quickly.

"Well, why don't you let me warm you up then?"

"The offer sounds tempting... But I'm nowhere near you at the moment." I said as I smiled at the thought of his words. Picturing myself wrapped in his arms.

I heard Luke suck in a breath on the other end of the line. Followed by a sweet sighing sound.

"Do you wish I was close by sweetheart?" He asked with mischief in his tone. I could almost hear him smiling.

The thought of being close to him sent butterflies fluttering in my stomach. I could feel the heat pooling inside me at the thought of his touch. I hugged myself and smiled.

"I always wish I was with you. All the time." I responded to his question honestly. I wished he was here with me right now as I walked down the sidewalk under the Christmas lights swinging in the chilled breeze.

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