Meet The Lee's

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Luke's POV

There was no way to predict how my parents were going to react to what I was about to tell them. I grabbed Alicia's hand before walking into the living room and sitting down.

"Mom, Dad, sorry I left in a hurry earlier before welcoming you home properly. I had important matters to attend to." I spoke clearly in a respectful tone.

My dad glanced up at me from above his laptop computer. Dad is Korean. His clothing, his attitude, how he presented himself, even to me, screamed power and dominance. As soon as his eyes met mine I wanted to shrink. And he wasn't even angry yet. He doesn't get angry easily. He's usually a pretty easy going guy around his friends and family.

"That's okay dear. We have a nice dinner planned since we've missed Thanksgiving with you." My mom spoke without looking at me at all from her laptop.

If she had, she would have noticed Alicia sitting beside me and she wouldn't be so calm or nice. Alicia squeezed my hand. Then she cleared her throat.

"Umm, excuse me." She said in a whisper.

My moms head snapped up at the sound of a female voice. Her eyes glared at Alicia for a while before they drifted over to mine. I swallowed nervously.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Mr. Lee and Ms. Lee. My name is Alicia Rose."

Mom waved her hands flippantly in the air. Dad didn't seem to care at all that I brought a girl home to meet them. I knew mom would be the challenge between the two really. I saw this coming.

"Here it comes," I mumbled without moving my lips.

"Luke, who is this... girl you've brought home with you?"

"Mom don't be rude."

"Don't what? Did you just tell me not to be rude Luke? Who is the rude one here? I didn't bring a guest home without properly giving some kind of advanced notice." Mom sputtered trying to cause a scene.

"Mother, she told you her name. Why are you talking like that while pretending she isn't even sitting here?"

"Excuse me?" She said sounding flabbergasted.

"You heard me. And hear this as well. Alicia is my girlfriend."

"Pffft.." Mom blew raspberries with her lips as if what I just told her was preposterous.

"You've got to be kidding me, Luke. Since when do you have a girlfriend?" She questioned.

"Honey, your son thinks he has a girlfriend." She said while looking at dad.

Dad just nodded his head toward Alicia in a small bow.

"Nice to meet you, Alicia. Please ignore my wife. She gets a little.... possessive of her son." He said with a tight smile.

"Thank you, Mr. Lee."

"Husband! Don't speak for me." Mom snapped.

Mom whipped her head toward dad. Dad pursed his lips and raised his eyebrows. Then mom turned back toward me.

"How long have you known her? How do you know she doesn't just want you for our money? Clearly, she can see..."

"Ms. Lee! I assure you I don't care about your money. I have my own money, unfortunately." Alicia bit her lip.

"I've known Alicia for a couple of months now. We met at college."

"Nevermind that Luke, did you not just hear how she spoke to me? I don't like her, she has no manners." Mom whined while folding her arms across her chest.

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