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Alicia's POV

"Hey Love, how was class?" Luke asked as he walked up to me and took my bag.

"It was interesting."

I didn't know how to bring up the fact that I think my literature teacher has a crush on me. Besides I can't really be 100% positive that is what is going on anyway. I decided to keep it to myself. At least for now. If things progress then I will confide in someone. Most likely not Jake or Luke though.

"interesting, how?" Luke pressed for more details.

"Well... I had to write a short story about meeting someone as if it was a "love at first sight" situation. It reminded me of when we met at the fountain."

"Cool. So did you write about us?" He smiled his charming smile at me.

"Yes, I did actually. I hope that is okay. I don't know if you mind me sharing our personal life with my teacher. It's completely anonymous. Just so you know. I didn't use names."

We walked hand in hand toward the parking lot to his car.

"I don't mind at all. You should have used my name. I don't mind your teacher knowing that I love you. Besides, I have a "love at first sight" story of my own, and it happens to be about you."

"Really? Was it the day I fell into the fountain? When you pulled me out?"

"No, it was that same day but it was before I saw you at the fountain. I can't believe I haven't told you about this before."

"Me either. So where did you see me first?" I was curious now when he saw me for the first time.

"Get in the car and I'll tell you while we drive to the house." He smirked, showing off his dimples.

Luke opened the car door for me and checked inside before allowing me to get in. This has become a normal habit for him since the robbery. I sat down in the front seat of the car and Luke closed the door for me. As he rounded the car to his side Jake came running up.

"Can I go with you guys to see the house?" He asked breathlessly.

He must have run across campus to catch up with us before we left.

"Sure, just try not to be such an ass around the realtor, okay Jake?" Luke grumbled.

"Why would I do that?" Jake asked as he climbed into the car.

"Because you have a terrible habit of degrading things that aren't shiny, expensive and brand new. This house is none of those things so I'm positive you will have too many negative things to say about it. Just keep your thoughts to yourself and everything will be fine."

"I promise, I'll keep my thoughts to myself." He said as he winked at me.

"Jake, seriously. Behave." I warned.

"I promise! I'll be so well behaved you'll both forget I am even there. Really, I just want to see the house where we're all going to be spending most of our time in. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to get an architects opinion, would it?"

"Architect? Where? I don't see one. Do you see an architect anywhere Alicia?" Luke teased.

Jake threw himself against the back of the seat and crossed his arms over his chest while sulking from Luke's stab at his profession. I noticed this and tried to console him.

"You know he is just kidding don't you Jake?"

"Yeah, but it still kind of hurts my pride. Someday I will make you proud. I'm going to build the fanciest resorts this country has ever seen. And they will all have my name on them. I'm going to be a famous architect." he glared at Luke through the rearview mirror. "Just you wait and see."

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