You're What?

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Alicia's POV


Hey Tyler, How was your Thanksgiving?

It was okay. How did things go at your house?

Dad beat the crap out of Luke. But everything is okay now.

What??? Really? Why? Tyler screamed through the phone. I had to pull the phone away from my ear.

Because Luke admitted to dad about having sex with me and all that.

Really? So your dad knows? And Luke is still breathing? More screams erupted over the line.

Yup, he's actually downstairs having whiskey shots and watching the game with dad.

I don't believe it! Tyler screeched.

Well, start believing it Tyler cuz it's really happening. I mean... he's got two black eyes, a split lip and a swollen cheek covered in bruises but they are getting along fine now. Dad even invited Luke to stay for Thanksgiving dinner. I felt myself smile. There was a long silence.

I have no words. I'm speechless Alicia. I umm... dunno what to say.

Don't say anything. I gotta go, for now, I have to get ready to go out.

Oh, where are you going?

I have a date with Jake. We're going see the plaza lighting.

Really? After everything Luke just went through for you? You're still going to go out on a date with Jake? Tyler sounded disappointed and a bit disgusted with me.

Calm down Tyler. It's not what you think. I'm going to go talk to Jake. I'm going to break things off with him. Luke admitted to me that he is afraid of the thought of me being with Jake. He is worried I'll fall for him and like Jake more than him. So I'm only going tonight to tell Jake I'm not interested in him.

Well, I hate to be the one to say I told you so but... I told you so. Tyler crooned.

Shut up Tyler, I gotta go.

I see. I'll be there tonight with Idget so if you need me for any reason just call me or text me and we will find you. Okay?

Okay. Thanks, Tyler. Talk to you later.

With that, we both hung up. Time to call Jake. I am so nervous. I don't know how he is going to feel about me after I tell him I'm not interested in him anymore. But it needs to be done. I don't even know if I'd believe myself if I said it out loud. I didn't even really give Jake a chance. I feel awful about it because part of me does really like him. Sure we started off pretty bad but he's changed and I really adore the new Jake. I take a deep breath and hit the call button next to Jake's name.

Ring... Ring...

Hello, sexy... I'm not gonna lie, hearing him say those words to me over the phone sent a shock to my lower region. I subconsciously pressed my thighs together and bit my lip. What the hell is wrong with me?

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