No Remorse For The Petty

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Luke's POV

Jake, have you seen Nadine today?

No, what would I want to see that bitch for? I'm trying to avoid her if at all possible. Why?

Find her. And when you do. Call me and tell me where the fuck she is.

What is this about? Why do I have to find her? More importantly, why are you looking for her? Jake sounded aggravated by my request. Rightly so I guess.

Because she has used up her last strike with me. I'm going to make her wish she never met me.

What the fuck did she do? His voice lowered.

You haven't heard about it yet? That's hard to believe.

Heard about what?

She plastered pictures of Alicia all over the windows of the freshman building. They said things that defamed Alicia's character. I've had enough of that bitches tricks. She's going to pay. I yelled through the receiver. I could picture Jake holding the phone away from his ear.

Wait. How do you know it was Nadine?

Who else would it fucking be Jake? Are you defending that lowlife bitch right now? I yelled again.

No, of course, I'm not. Chill out, Luke. I'll find her. I think I have a pretty good idea where she would be. Meet me on the football field.

Fine. See you there.

I hung up the phone and ran to the football field. It didn't take long for me to find Jake. He was already walking across the field towards where Nadine and her minions were practicing their cheers. By the time I got to where they were standing Jake was hauling Nadine off of the field yanking her by her arm.

"What did you do Nadine?" I heard him yell at her just as I approached them.

"What? What are you talking about Jake?" She stuck out her chest and bit her lip. Trying to look innocent.

"Don't fucking do that. It won't work. Tell me what the fuck you think you are doing messing with Alicia!" He yelled.

I grabbed her by her shoulders and spun her around to face me. She squealed as my fingers dug into her bony shoulders.

"Let go! You are hurting me!" She cried out.

"I don't fucking care if I break your fucking arms. Why did you do it, Nadine?" I yelled at her only inches from her face.

"Do what? I don't know what you're talking about Luke!" She screamed back at me while trying to pull free from my grasp.

"Lies! All you fucking do is lie! Stop pretending like you don't know what you did! Leave Alicia alone!" I yelled some more while shaking her.

She squeezed her eyes shut. She was trying her best to act scared and ignorant as to what I was talking about but I could tell she knew. She wasn't even really afraid of my threats. I saw the tiniest smirk curl up in the corners of her mouth.

"Fine, you want to keep fucking with her? You asked for it. You are done! Your family's business is done! I warned you but you didn't listen. You used up your last chance. I hope you enjoy eating ramen for the rest of your pathetic fucking life you bitch."

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