Idget Dishes On The Who's Who On Campus

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Alicia's POV

"Are you okay?" I asked. While looking down at the helpless girl with a sympathetic stare. I held out my hand to help her up from the slippery marble floor.

"Should I help you to the campus nurse for those burns?"

I waited a few moments for her to collect herself and respond to me. Finally, she finished gathering her things together. She took my hand to help her stand up and right herself. She sheepishly looked around at the people who were still lingering around glaring at us curiously. She brushed her hair over her face to hide her eyes from everyone staring at her. Her body language showed telling signs of suffering from social anxiety. I noticed it right away. Realizing this made feel bad for drawing so much attention toward the coffee incident. I have similar issues of my own. I suffer from panic attacks. Sometimes they are really bad. It has been a long time since I've had one but many years ago I almost suffocated to death when Me-mom passed away.

"Thank you," she said. Barely loud enough for me to hear.

She burst from her safety bubble for a moment blabbing, "Wow! You were amazing!"

Her big brown eyes darted around nervously. She suddenly withdrew back into her sheepish persona again. I giggled at her abrupt outburst. Since she didn't properly answer my question, I asked her again. Thinking perhaps she was so deep in her thoughts that she didn't hear me.

"Do you need to see the nurse? I've got a spare shirt in my backpack you can borrow. I was going to change into it before work later but you seem to need it more than I do right now. Do you want to borrow it?"

I stepped in front of her and lowered my head to get a better look at her. I tucked her curly dirty blonde hair behind her ears so I could get a better view of her face. I wanted to check the severity of her burns. It didn't help much that she was pointing her face down at the floor. From what I could see, the majority of the hot coffee landed on her forehead. It was covered in dark pink splotches and parts of her cheeks were too. But part of that could have been from her blushing furiously in embarrassment too. I know I blush equally as bad when I'm frazzled. I'm sure I'm probably blushing right now as well. I can still feel the warmth in my cheeks. I fished the shirt out of my bag and handed it to her. We start walking away from the still knocked guy sprawled out like Patrick Star on the lobby floor.

"Thanks for the shirt." She said as she took it from my hand.

"I'll be alright. I don't need any medical attention. It doesn't hurt anymore. Oh! By the way, what's your name hero?"

I opened my mouth to answer her but she didn't give me a chance to reply before she spoke again.

"My name is Bridgette but my family calls me Idget. I'm a sophomore here. I'm majoring in Journalism. Oh sorry, I completely cut you off didn't I? I tend to do that when I'm nervous."

"It's okay Idget. That's such a pretty name. My name is Alicia Rose. I'm a freshman. I don't know what I'm doing here. I wanted to join the orchestra but they didn't have any openings." I said.

"Wow! Your name is Alicia? Just like Alicia Silverstone but different last name. That's so cool!" She said giddily.

I never heard of this Silverstone chick so I made a mental note to Google her later. I'm starting to get glimpses of Idget's personality a little bit and she is quite refreshing. She's bubbly like Tyler. She may very well be the female version of him. I like her.

"Today is my first day here. Besides my best friend Tyler, I don't know anyone here. So do you think we can be friends Idget?"

I asked her mainly because I know nothing about this place honestly and she's got a year on me so she could be packed with information. I also kind of pitied her for what happened. I liked her personality too. She is kind of childish. She reminds me of a little sister. Except she's older than me. She's got a plump round face with big brown eyes with flecks of yellow and black. She has short, curly, dirty blonde hair. Just long enough to throwback in a ponytail. She's quite short. Perhaps five feet tall. I noticed she has a very peculiar walk where her toes point outward. There's also a bounce in her step, almost like skipping. To top that off, she points her elbows outwards while hooking her thumbs through the straps of her backpack.

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