Everyone Telling Truths Today

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Alicia's POV

I didn't get much sleep through the night. Those pesky nurses would come in routinely to poke and prod at me. Even though they were just doing their jobs and tried to disturb me as little as possible, I was still annoyed. I'm a light sleeper. Just the mere sound of the door handle clicking when they entered prompted my eyes to open. At around 6:15 AM the nurse came in to do checks. I sat up in bed giving up all hope on sleeping in. She asked if I was hungry. I nodded my head.

"Would you like apple juice or orange juice?"

"Orange juice please."

"Hot or cold cereal?"


"Would you like a fruit bowl?"


"White or wheat toast?"


"Would you like jelly for your toast?"

"Umm... no thanks. Just butter."

"Alright. I'll have this brought up soon."

"Erm... Thank you."

She took my order mentally as she ran checks on me and the equipment around me. She refilled my mug of water and handed me a cup of pills before she left. There were two giant white ones. I determined they were an antibiotic. They got stuck in my throat as I swallowed them down. The two smaller ones looked just like the ibuprofen that I was given last night. I took the pills without question. Then flipped on the television. I flipped through several channels until I found something that piqued my interest. I just wanted some noise in the room more than anything. My phone chirped. I picked it up and looked at the screen. It was my mom.

Good morning. Call me when you wake up. I'll be there soon anyway even if you don't. Luv ya!

I decided it was easier to text so I typed a short message saying I was awake and about to have breakfast and hit send. Before long my breakfast tray was carted in. I was just finishing up my hot cereal and feeling pretty full when my mom walked in. She still looked disheveled and tired. It made me feel guilty. She was so worried about me that she wasn't taking care of herself. The wrinkles at the corners of her puffy eyes were more noticeable than usual and her lips looked chapped. She hasn't spent any time on her usual perfect self primping.

"Good morning sweetie. How are you feeling?" She cooed as she leaned over to hug me. I hugged her back tightly.

"Much better. I got a shower and some food in my belly." I said as I pat my stomach happily.

"That's good." She smiled down at me pulling away from our hug.

"Mom, where's dad?"

I figured they would come together.

"He had one of those late nights. You know, staking a place out to sequester someone. I wish he would quit those ridiculous jobs. It's so dangerous. Anyway, he's still at home sleeping." She ranted.

"Oh." I was falling short on words to say lately.

"Alicia, your friends seemed worried about you. Have you had a chance to talk to anyone? You know, to let them know you're awake?"

I thought back to last night. I suddenly felt like a shitty friend. Tyler, Idget and Jake messaged me, but I had only talked to Jake. I'm such a shitty...shitty.. friend.

"I'll call them in a little while," I answered.

"Your new friends seem nice." Mom said. Half making a statement and half sounding like a question.

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