I'm All In

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WARNING: This chapter has some strong sexual content. Please stop reading at the part outlined by the ^^^^STOP^^^^ line and begin reading again at the ^^^^START^^^^ line. THANK YOU.

Alicia's POV

The last hour of my life was total hell on earth. Trying to convince Jake to not hate his best friend was seeming more and more like a losing battle. At one point I thought Jake was going to rip Luke's head off. But in the end, Luke and I found some way to reach Jake's gentle side. We ended the night with pizza and watched a few episodes of AHS.

I couldn't concentrate on the show even though it was my favorite. There was that nagging feeling in the back of my mind the whole time about there possibly being a baby growing inside of me. I kept subconsciously placing my palm on my stomach and then pushing it away whenever I realized I was doing it. It seemed so ridiculous to be patting my stomach when I don't even know for sure that I am pregnant.

Having done it a dozen times already, I realized why Luke was always paying special attention to my stomach whenever we were laying together. I fully intend to talk to Luke about all this when we're alone. But for now, I'm just trying my best not to make Jake feel uncomfortable as I sat between the two of them. I leaned over and rested my head on Jake's shoulder. He adjusted himself to fit our bodies together better while wrapping his arm around the back of my neck and rested his hand on my arm. It tickled when he drew little circles on my skin with his fingertips.

Jake had a content look on his face and the corner of his lip curled up when he glanced down at me. I gave him a smile back then glanced over to Luke. Luke was wearing his usual stoic facial expression while looking straight at the tv. He seemed to not even notice me cozying up to Jake but I know he did. He did the same thing in the auditorium that day Jake kept flirting with me. So I knew Luke was especially good at hiding his emotions.

I reached over and grabbed Luke's hand and laced my fingers in his. I gave it a squeeze and he squeezed back while looking over at me and smiled. It was a genuine smile. Not like one of those kinds of smiles a person forces themselves to do when they're trying to be polite. He honestly didn't seem angry at all. He must have noticed my questioning look because he gave me a nod while looking at Jake and then back to me and smiled again.

A girl could get used to this.

Does he want me to be this close to Jake to make him happy? I added that to the list of questions to hit him with later. I smiled back at Luke as he scooted down deeper into the couch, leaning into me and propping his feet up on the coffee table. Then Jake did the same thing. They both looked exhausted and content. So for the moment all I had left to worry about was this pregnancy issue. I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes. I laid there like that for a while with Jake on my right caressing the skin of my shoulder and neck and Luke to my left squeezing my hand.

I love both of them and they both love me. I couldn't imagine anything more perfect than this moment. After a long while, I felt Jake silently kiss the top of my head and rested his chin there. Then I nuzzled into his neck, even more, earning a tiny grunt from Jake's throat while he shifted in his seat a little bit. I breathed in deep so I could take in Jakes scent. He smelled like pine-scented soap and expensive cologne. As usual. And I loved it. As usual. I love how his smell is so overpowering. Just like his personality. He always smells so..manly. That's the best way I can describe it. Each time a breathed in I held the air in before releasing hot air in a long gust. I couldn't help it. I found myself mentally thinking about each breath I took. My heart quickened. I felt like I was almost hyperventilating.

My thoughts were skipping from Jake to Luke to being pregnant. I didn't know which to concentrate on right now so I decided to just concentrate on my breathing. I was suddenly feeling a little claustrophobic and began to squirm. Apparently Luke was so comfortable that he fell asleep so he was dead weight laying on half of my body. He let out a light snore when I shifted my body. I let out a slight giggle and looked up at Jake. His eyes were sparkling in the light from the television and staring into mine. I began biting at my lower lip at the sight of him studying my face. Then he lowered his chin to my ear and whispered,

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